I've started this blog as an open forum to discuss current topics in the news in a "Point - Counter Point" manner. By using this method of debate, I seek to encourage all to lend their voices and opinions by weighing in on the current days topics up for discussion. Welcome to POINT - COUNTER POINT.
The documentary Earth, a Disneynature production, premieres Earth Day, April 22.
Written and directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield the makers of the Discovery Channel Planet Earth series, the film contains the same quality of stunning photography as the series. But while the television series is habitat based, the film is character based.
The ninety minute film follows a year in the life of three animal families: a polar bear and her cubs, a humpback whale and her calf, and a group of African elephants. While the film focuses on these three stories, there are introductions to many other species and the places they live.
A warning for parents: It’s not easy out there in the wild and while there isn’t any blood or gore in the G rated film, not everyone survives. There are scenes of predators and prey that could be upsetting to very young or sensitive kids.
Watch the trailer and you’ll feel the tug of narrator James Earl Jones’s voice and the soaring musical score.
Earth Day is a name used for two different observances, both held annually during spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and during autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. The United Nations celebrates Earth Day -- which was founded by John McConnell in 1969 -- each year on the March equinox.
In addition, a global observance -- originated by Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in, and since January 1970 also called Earth Day -- is celebrated in many countries (including the US) each year on April 22.
Let's all take a moment today to think about what we can do to be more efficient in our efforts to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replenish, & Restore our environments.
Barbara Walters finally hopped on the Twitter bandwagon on today’s episode of The View (April 20) - check out the video, starting around 4:45, where Barbara Walters sends her very first tweet.
Barbara Walters’ first tweet happened before she went on air: “This is my first day on twitter All exited. Getting ready to do The View Must get my hair done.”
Once live on The View, Barbara Walters demonstrated how to use Twitter by sending the message, “I am losing my Twitter virginity.”
I can't help but hear Charleston Heston in the back of my mind saying "Let my Twitter goooo!"
You can follow Barbara Walters on Twitter at http://twitter.com/barbarajwalters.