If you haven't yet watched tonight's DHWS come back after you have. The night went off with us finding out that the person that Mike married in the cliffhanger last season was low and behold Susan! Now, for those of you who know me, didn't I tell you that I didn't see certain people in the shot at the church at the close of that episode. hmmmm? Susan locking Kathryn in the closet and Kathryn wearing Susan's wedding dress near the homemade tomato sauce was really comical and lends to the character of Susan. Had she been any other housewife Kathryn might have been found dead and left for a body bag.
I have to say that I did like the episode but I will preface it by saying that it did lack one thing. That SEXY cynical touch that only Edie could bring to it. So with loosing Nicollette Sheridan's Edie we've seemed to have lost some of the shows heart and I'm not convinced that swapping out one blonde with another (newcomer Dre De Matteo) is going to do the trick. But I'll stick around to see just what Marc has up his sleeves.
Speaking of which what is up with that new family that Dre De Matteo is part of? It's like Natural Born Killers comes to Wysteria Lane. The father seemed to want to go after poor little Julie Meyer himself and well we saw what the son did to her in the end after he couldn't have his way with her apparently.
Mrs. McCluskey speaking to Gabby in the car about her recent sexual exploits with her new man was funny but a part of me thinks that the conversation would have been even funnier played out between her and Edie. Oh the way they could have gone on and on with each other tit-for-tat just has me reminiscing about the prior seasons. I'm wondering how they are going to work the actual actresses lung cancer into the future story line...
Lynette, now she had me on the floor with the conversation with the newly expectant mother at the doctors office and I find myself really feeling bad for her. And that Tom sees this only as a joyful occasion is rather distressing since she's already given him a brood of four. When is he going to stop just thinking about his manhood and start thinking about his wife's physical make up? I am seeing a depression story line coming along so let's see how it plays out.
Gabby and her niece also had some powerful moments as we saw that she is exactly like Gabby was twenty some-odd years prior. And with the girl trying to head out of the house in a sexy outfit only to be outsmarted by Gabby was classic! Not to mention when Gabby showed up at the club to get her niece and bring her home - talk about hilarious. I like the direction that this story is going in and can't wait to see what Marc Cherry has in store.
Bree and Karl's affair I must say is rather interesting and I'm more into it than I am with Orson. This man goes around making Bree feel worthless just because she's had success and he lost everything (due to his own misdeeds mind you) and then now is blackmailing her to keep her married to him after he found out that she was hiding assets away from him. In tonight's episode Orson was certainly one that I could have simply fast forwarded but I didn't want to miss a moment of Marcia Cross' portrayal of Bree.
Let us not forget our favorite gay neighbor Lee, who it seems has taken over Edie's real estate leads. Wasn't it eerie when he mentioned to the family that the lady who owned the house prior had committed suicide in the very room they were in and they were TOTALLY ok with it. Again, I say NATURAL BORN KILLERS!
Now Kathryn, she's a hot mess and I think that the mess is only going to get much hotter as the season progresses. I see a stalker tipped over the edge with that one. Will her daughter return home in time to help her?
Something Wicked this way is definitely coming to Wysteria Lane. Wonder what the body count will be this time?