Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Verizon iPhone Coming In January 2011?

An iPhone for Verizon Wireless, the no. 1 U.S. carrier, will be introduced next January, according to a Bloomberg report citing "two people familiar with the plans."

If true, this is good news for Verizon and Apple, which will be set to sell a LOT of iPhones. And it'll be bad news for AT&T, which has been the exclusive U.S. iPhone carrier so far, and Google Android, which has been the dominant smartphone platform at Verizon as of late.

The timing of this latest leak is suspicious, given Apple's product secrecy and the recent launch of the new iPhone 4. We wouldn't be surprised if this was Verizon's doing, in an attempt to get people to wait before upgrading to the iPhone 4 and extending their AT&T contracts another two years.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Trailer

New Sheryl Crow - "Summer Day" - 2010

The Farce that is The Bachelorette

You know I'm not one to put stock into these reality shows but I must say that this season the Bachelorette has really sunk to a whole new level. And don't get me going about the Bachelor. After this years bad press (Jake & Vienna's People & Star Magazine interviews after the breakup) I mean can this brand even survive? I would have said "be taken seriously" but come on do we or have we ever taken it seriously? LOL

iPhone4 vs HTC Evo