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I've started this blog as an open forum to discuss current topics in the news in a "Point - Counter Point" manner. By using this method of debate, I seek to encourage all to lend their voices and opinions by weighing in on the current days topics up for discussion. Welcome to POINT - COUNTER POINT.
"We're not really leaving," Jay Leno told the studio audience on his last Tonight Show. And he was right. So how do you throw yourself a goodbye when you're not going anywhere? TV has a history of lugubrious farewells for longtime personalities, and while Jay Leno may not have stuck around as long as Johnny Carson, at 17 years, he's been there long enough to earn such a send-off.
The problem is, of course, that Jay is going to be back on NBC in three months, nightly, at 10 p.m. E.T. every weeknight. He's like the high-school big man on campus who's graduating, but will be enrolling in the local community college next fall.
Boyle was upset by winner Diversity, a 10-person dance group from Essex and East London, England, ranging in age from 12 to 25 years old. The group won 100,000 British pounds ($161,000) and will perform for Queen Elizabeth II in the Royal Variety Show.
"The best people won," Boyle said.
Boyle wowed the crowd Saturday night with an encore performance of the song that first made her so famous around the world -- "I Dreamed a Dream," from the musical "Les Miserables."
After her performance Saturday, the crowd and judges gave Boyle, who wore a floor-length gown, a standing ovation.
* Citigroup (C) began charging 3 percent of the transaction for some debit card purchases and ATM withdrawals made outside the U.S. last year, up from 2 percent before. That now matches the cost of using credit cards. Citi also increased its overdraft fee to $34 per incident. It had been $30.
* SunTrust (STI) is charging a higher fee on its basic checking if customers overdraw multiple times. The bank also raised its overdraft fees on other accounts.
* Wachovia/Wells Fargo (WFC) is doubling to $10 its fee to transfer money to checking to cover insufficient funds on some accounts. It will also start charging that fee to a credit card rather than taking it from a linked bank account, so you could end up paying interest on that charge as well.
"They are supposed to act in the interest of shareholders, so they're gouging consumers," Sam Johnson, a former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, told USA Today. He thinks banks are raising account fees because of a "mix of market power and opportunism."
While the U.S. government bails out these banks because they are "too big too fail," banks choose to use this power to take advantage of consumers who are struggling. The same consumers who are taxpayers that helped to bail out these banks.
Banks defend their choices by saying say consumers have become riskier customers with the higher unemployment rate. In addition, banks say their borrowing costs are higher -- which I really have to wonder about, given the trillions the government has pumped into the loan markets at this point.
The Fed is thinking about cracking down on some of these fee increases, but the weak rule now being discussed does not cap overdraft fees, does not require banks to disclose the overdraft interest rate and does not prevent them from manipulating the order of checks to maximize overdraft fees. (Banks commonly will clear the largest checks first, so the customer ends up with overdraft fees on lots of smaller checks.)
Bankrate.com says ATM fees, monthly service fees and balance requirements for interest checking accounts all hit record highs in 2008 before inflation. Bankrate predicts consumers should expect more of the same in 2009.
Have your fees gone up on your accounts? Are you thisclose to throttling the people who run your bank?