Demi Moore, who once said that falling in love with Ashton Kutcher "caught us both by surprise," might also be shocked to learn that her husband dislikes the year's most romantic day.
"I hate Valentine's Day," Kutcher told Parade magazine. But he doesn't hate the lovey-dovey sentiment that is celebrated every Feb. 14: In fact, he feels quite the opposite.
"I think every day should be a day of romance," he said. "Then, on Valentine's Day, you should get to tell whoever you hate that you cannot stand them. There would be one day of hating, and 364 days of love."
Kutcher, who plays a florist who unexpectedly finds love in the upcoming movie "Valentine's Day," may have developed his disdain for the holiday as early as the third grade.
"There was this girl who sat in front of me who had the prettiest super-long hair," he said. "I was absolutely infatuated with her." But he experienced rejection when he gave the girl a very direct Valentine's Day, which read "Kiss Me."
"The tragedy was that she didn't get the point and I never got kissed," said Kutcher of his early disappointment.
Still the star's romantic streak has survived.
"I think the most romantic thing that I've done is travel a long way to another country for like an hour to see someone I loved and then turn around and go back because I had a commitment I couldn't cancel," he told Parade. "So it was literally not sleeping for two days, going through hell, just to see somebody for an hour."