I've started this blog as an open forum to discuss current topics in the news in a "Point - Counter Point" manner. By using this method of debate, I seek to encourage all to lend their voices and opinions by weighing in on the current days topics up for discussion. Welcome to POINT - COUNTER POINT.
American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert may want America to keep speculating about his sexuality, but there's at least one person who has no doubt which way the 27-year-old singer swings: judge Kara DioGuardi.
"I don't think that Adam was ever in [the closet]," she says in a chat set to air on The View Friday. "I think he was always openly out."
Her comment came as part of a response to host Barbara Walters, who had asked if Lambert's controversial loss to Kris Allen was influenced by questions about whether Lambert is gay. Lambert has a penchant for eyeliner, nail polish, tight pants and flamboyant hair styles, and has been photographed kissing other men.
"I hope not," DioGuardi answered. "Because we should be judging on talent and viability in the music industry, and they both had that."
In an earlier interview with PEOPLE.com, Lambert said people who worried about whether he preferred men or women romantically needed to "calm down," and that the most important thing was that he was being true to himself.
"You should own who you are and what you're about, and never make apologies for it," he said.
There was a time, not very long ago, when getting a job on the production line at a big automaker meant an instant ticket to the American dream, even for someone with little formal education. Not anymore. In a recent CNNMoney.com report, entry level pay is now $14 an hour, half of what it used to be. And I say it about time! For years the auto industry over paid it's entry level and management employees across the board. Unions, which had their place back in the days have sucked the life out from the industry. So HELL YEAH and it's about time that those in the auto industry got to see how the other half has to live. We don't have jobs that are given to us just because we have a family member working at a plant and have to bust our asses off with additional education just to get the paycheck that we get.
In Oregon man spent Memorial Day in jail after dialing 911 to complain that a McDonald's worker was rude and didn't give him an orange juice he ordered. Raibin Osman was accused of improper use of the emergency telephone number.
Can I ask whatever happened to dialing "0" for the Operator? Had the person in question did that they would have been directed to the proper telephone number for their local police station. Why is it that so many of these people as of late are calling 911 instead of 0?