It seems this season has been dragging along with not much to speak of in terms of an interesting storyline.
The good news, though, is that Susan actually had some acting to do this week instead of just flaunting her jugs for VaVaVaBroom. I was almost touched when Lynette covered for Susan’s money issues, claiming it was lent to her to cover some of their birthing bills that insurance did not cover. Yeah, believable. I would definitely ask my closest friends for $9,000 to cover the birth of the fifth child that I can’t afford.

In other (not entirely interesting) news, we are pleased to see that Renee will be sticking around this season after kicking her desperate ex-hubby back to Manhattan. With her new alliance with Gaby, these two will surely get into some diva drama. After that bar brawl, we can’t wait to see it.
Interesting, though, that after Gaby’s obsession with doting on her biological daughter, we saw no mention of her this week – or the child swap for that matter. Gaby went from concerned bio-mom, to a kid-free champagne drinking drama queen with her nose “out of joint” over Renee’s antics this episode. I guess Gaby won’t be getting the Mom of the Year award from either of her kiddos this year.
Speaking of mom of the year... when might things let up for Lynette? This lady just can’t get a break.
As if a worthless husband and five ungrateful kids weren’t enough, she now has her mother-in-law living with them. The Schaivos time warped back to the 1950’s, where cookies are made fresh daily, and drinks are poured anytime you hold your glass up. On top of that, kooky Grandma is showing signs of Alzheimer’s. It looks like this house helper may just become another of Tom and Lynette’s dependents.

Elsewhere, Paul Young is scheming away to take down the neighborhood. Bbut am I the only one not interested? Honestly, I could care less about this guy. The whole murdered on Wisteria Lane thing is a tad overdone. Let’s remember, the show is called Desperate Housewives, not Desperate Ex-con Jailbird. No one watches the show because of this villain’s plans to take down the Lane, do they?
So back to the only semi-interesting thing that happened: Bree getting sexed up. Pretty clever that she came up with a way to tire out her man slave in a different manner, via a long list of chores. Turns out Keith feels a bit dumb compared to his classy lady, so sex is the only way he thought he could keep her interested. Awww, almost want to cry for you, Brian Austin Green. But after your heart to heart about how you like each other just the way you are, we’re confident you’ll be just fine, Breith.