Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lost: Ends the Season with a BANG!

If all you care about is the destination, you miss all the joy of the ride.
And come on: Even if last night's Lost finale didn't provide many final answers, that was a fabulous, fun two hours of TV that masterfully propelled the story forward. It was, in turns, exciting, shocking, maddening, gorgeous, humorous — and ultimately heartbreaking, as Sawyer lost Juliet and yet another chance at love. Well-earned surprises are few and far between in series TV, and yet after all these years, Lost can still keep us puzzled over what's coming next and where our allegiances are supposed to lie.
We thought they were supposed to be with Locke on his determined hunt to kill the island's master,
We thought Juliet was dead as well, when she was dragged into the electromagnetic pit, until she perked up and set off the hydrogen bomb. Which is where the show came to its startling conclusion, with a cliffhanger explosion that, typical of Lost'shabit of twisting TV conventions, faded to white rather than black.
The plot was driven by Jack's determination to cap the electromagnetic leakage that crashed their plane by short-circuiting it with that bomb — a hunt that led to some 24-style shootouts. But the show also had one more, very important back story to tell: Jacob's. We time-traveled with him as he visited Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Locke, Jin,
And then, thanks to machinations of the enemy occupying Locke's body, we saw Jacob murdered by a jilted, jealous Ben. Because on Lost, fate bows to free will and momentous events are often sparked by petty motivations.
Best of all, though, the episode was a welcome reminder that amid all the discussions of time travel and smoke monsters and electromagnetism, the key to the show's success is its characters, played by one of the strongest ensembles around. I for one cannot wait until next year to see what has happened!
Slumdog' Child Star's HOME Torn Down By Authorities

City workers bulldozed the home of a "Slumdog Millionaire" child star Thursday as part of the demolition of dozens of shanties in a Mumbai slum.
Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail was asleep when a police officer woke him up and told him to leave his family's home, he said. Shortly after that, the shack and about 30 more were destroyed.
"A police officer took a bamboo stick to hit me, and I was frightened," said 10-year-old Azhar.
Authorities say his family will be given a new home elsewhere.
"Slumdog" filmmakers say they've done their best to help the young stars. They set up a trust, called Jai Ho, after the hit song from the film, to ensure the children get proper homes, a good education and a nest egg when they finish high school. They also donated $747,500 to a charity to help slum kids in Mumbai.
Producer Christian Colson has described the trust as substantial, but won't tell anyone how much it contains not even the parents for fear of making the children vulnerable to exploitation.
American Idol: And Then There Was Two...

That's probably a good choice. Danny is a fantastic singer, but hasn't been as consistently as good as Kris. Next week we'll have a two-part season finale on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the meantime, which Idol do you think will take it all?