Butler was walking his off-leash pooch when the incident began. According to the Vareckas, Butler "went on this rampage, shouting, 'That dog should be put down!'"
"I said, 'Your dog should be put on a leash.' He kept on going and going, ranting and raving. . . . He was being verbally abusive." Maria Varecka added, "He smacked the dog in the head. The dog's head went into the fence. I was shaking. The dog yelped. I said, 'Keep your hands off my dog! Why did you hit my dog?' He didn't say a word."
Dog-lover Butler sees the incident in a different light. His manager Alan Siegel described the conflict: "What happened was, Gerry was walking his dog, Lolita, who is this little, small pug, a teeny thing. You can hold her in one arm, she's that small. Then, suddenly, this greyhound, this huge, menacing dog, bites Lolita. She [Maria Varecka] and Gerry then have words. . . . [Then] the dog again goes over to Lolita and takes another bite."
After the second bite, Butler put his dog on a leash and began walking away, when the woman followed him. Butler intervened when the Greyhound attempted a third bite.
Siegel said Butler spent the next four hours at an Upper East Side veterinary hospital making sure that Lolita was no worse for wear. Reportedly, the pug is safe and healthy.
"People are so mean. They're just trying to milk this," Siegel concluded.