Friday, June 5, 2009
$10,000 to Twitter about wine? It's a 'Really Goode Job'
The job, which begins in August, offers no health insurance and lasts for six months. But by the time auditions were held this week at a restaurant at New York's Grand Central Terminal, at least 747 people had posted videos in hopes of impressing winemaker David Ready Jr.
"This has never really been done in the wine industry," said Ready, a burly Minnesota native who sipped wine samples as hopefuls closed in, hungering for face time with the man who might be their boss.
"I want to be able to go into the vineyard and get my hands dirty and stomp on some grapes," she said as the serpent's head bobbed beside her left ear.
"Already my name makes me the perfect candidate," said another applicant, noting her last name was Vinograd: "As in 'vino,' as in the Latin root for wine."
There has been plenty of humor. One applicant gargled with a bottle of red wine, andanother attempted to capitalize on Ready's devotion to his home state's NFL team by pouring wine into a Minnesota Vikings helmet and drinking from it.
There also have been some clearly Web- and tech-savvy applicants.
"I'm a Twitterer, a YouTuber, a Facebooker, a MySpacer, a Digger," said Clay, who also touted himself as a blogger, photographer, video producer and sommelier. "Did I mention I was a home-brewer too?" he quipped at the close of his breathless video.
Denise Richards: I Had Three Boob Jobs
Nadya Suleman: I Screwed Up My Life, I Screwed Up My Kids' Lives

Oh now she has regrets. Nadya Suleman says she didn't tell her sperm donor she was having more children after the first six, and fears his resentment for the betrayal.
In a video shot in a fondue restaurant and posted to the RadarOnline Web site Thursday, Suleman says she used frozen fertilized embryos left over from her first conceptions to become pregnant with eight additional children. The donor didn't know she had the leftover embryos, she said.
"I went behind his back and used them all," she says. "He didn't want me to. I feel so much guilt for that."
The videographer, identified by Radar as Suleman's best friend, says at one point that the sperm donor has a wife and family. But Suleman warns her away from giving away too much about the man, adding that "he'd lose everything he's created in his own life" if his identity was revealed. -- Oh the drama... can't you see a Dynasty or All My Children (pun intended) type of storyline coming down the line?
Suleman says her older children are increasingly curious about who their biological father is. She refuses to identify him, saying she wants to protect his privacy, but also wants him "to somehow, privately, secretly know (the children) in a controlled manner." I ask you WHY would the man want to even get onto this carnival ride?
Dipping cheesecake into melted chocolate, Suleman confesses in the video to making some mistakes.
"I screwed myself. (apparently because nobody else would hence the sperm donor- lol) I screwed up my life, I screwed up my kids' lives," she says. "I have to put on this strong facade and I have to pretend like I don't regret it." I'm sensing a tell all expose' on the trials of being Suleman the Octomom or heck perhaps even an Octomom Dearest by one of the older siblings in the near future...

With companies in no mood to hire, the unemployment rate jumped to 9.4 percent in May, the highest in more than 25 years. But the pace of layoffs eased, with employers cutting 345,000 jobs, the fewest since September.
The much smaller-than-expected reduction in payroll jobs, reported by the Labor Department on Friday, adds to evidence that the recession is loosening its hold on the country. It marked the fourth straight month that the pace of layoffs slowed.
Whitney Houston - Sizzle Reel
Whitney Houston’s long-awaited comeback album will be arriving September 1st. It’s her first studio album since 2002’s “Just Whitney.”
To say the least, there’s been a lot of drama since then, from her divorce from Bobby Brown to her battle with drug addiction. Her record company has put together a “sizzle reel” to promote the announcement, including behind the scenes footage from a recent photo shoot. Have a look and see what you think – is Whitney back on her feet and ready to be a big star again?