Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mark-Paul Gosselaar does Fallon interview as Zack Morris, commits to reunion
14 Awful Titles for Celeb Memoirs
By Melissa Gilbert - Gilbert's new book is the latest in a long line of celebrity memoirs. Beyond covering the pitfalls of fame or revealing shreds of behind-the-scenes gossip, the real thing these celeb tomes have in common is clear: Cringe-inducing titles.
By Sir Roger Moore - Given that James Bond is the opposite of corny, maybe we should be giving Moore bonus points for achieving the impossible: making a 007 reference seem lame.
By Kristin Chenoweth - You can have Wicked, or you can have ''stages'' as a proxy for both physical performance spaces and phases in life. But you cannot have both, inelegantly crammed into one title.
By Bret Michaels - But...there are so many good phrases with the word poison in them. Opportunity: missed.
By Diana Ross - Tiny, ordinary, easy to ignore — yup, ''sparrow'' sounds right, Diana Ross.
By RuPaul - Get it? Hang out? Oh, RuPaul, you entendre-loving scalawag.
By Duh - Maybe David Hasselhoff was trying to reclaim the term ''the Hoff,'' strip it of its irony, and thereby transform himself and his image from cheesy punchline into legitimate icon. Haha, just kidding.
By Sandy ''Pepa'' Denton - Let's talk about Pep, bay-bee! Let's talk about you and me, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, let's talk abouuuuut who? Because with out that ''a,'' or ''Salt and,'' just ''pep'' is basically unrecognizable.
By Sylvester Stallone - Fine, it's not technically a memoir — but this exercise self-help tome (availablein hardcover) was too good to pass up.
By Kimora Lee Simmons - Fair is fair: At least it's not a pun. But it is a made-up word that means ''rich and beautiful,'' and that's off-putting in its own way. (Plus, the answer to the second part seems to be ''have good genes and marry well.'' Which doesn't feel like it needs a whole book to explain.)
By Jerry Seinfeld - It would be an awkward title for anyone, but from one of the funniest, most clever comedians ever? Oh, Jerry.
By Richard Pryor - Maybe it's a trend: Brilliant comedian, lousy titleist. Yeesh.
By Miley Cyrus - Yes, one more mile to the promised land of more inventive title writing.
By Tori Spelling) - And let's not forget her VH1 series So noTORIous. Here's hoping there's a third education-geared installment called tuTORIal. Or a period drama called vicTORIan, to be followed by (also acceptable: hisTORIan) a photography book called picTORIal. Just throwing stuff out there.
'My Name Is Earl' may be saved by TBS
'Pushing Daisies': Back and Pushing toward it's end. We want more of it!

'Jon & Kate Plus Eight': A (gasp) happy episode! Their 100th!

If the Octomom wasn't enough, this week's Jon & Kate Plus Eight didn't quite begin cheerily -- Kate sat alone on the two-seater sofa and announced to the camera, "At this point, whoever ends up on the sofa does the interview... it's called rolling with life" -- the rest of the half-hour was downright heart-warming. Most of the time. I just wish that this group and the Octomom would go off to an episode of Survivor already and then disappear for good.
Adam Lambert Signs Record Deal... and comes out in Rolling Stone Magazine

American Idol’s runner-up is one step closer to becoming a glam-rock superstar.
Adam Lambert has inked deals with 19 Entertainment and RCA Recordings — and will be working on a debut album that is expected in the fall. Lambert will record his album this summer while on the road with the other top 10 contestants for the Idols Live Tour, which kicks off July 5 in Portland, Ore.
And after several months of playing coy -– or, at least, letting people believe what they wanted -– Adam Lambert has told Rolling Stone that yes, he’s gay. “I’m trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader,” he told Rolling Stone.
“Love him or hate him, Lambert has added an element to the competition that has been woefully lacking in seasons past: a contestant so unique that you can’t wait to see what he will pull next out of his bag of tricks,”