Thursday, May 21, 2009
80's Sci Fi Series - V is back!
Now, it looks like ABC is putting out a remake that flips the script. See if you can catch the oh-so-subtle parallels in this trailer for V:
The original V had cool effects (for the time), a mean streak of black humor, and a heavy hand for allegory. This new incarnation figures to improve on the effects, at least.
Mariah Carey Radically Transforms Appearance for Movie

Mariah Carey has ditched her beauty products and gone au naturel for her role in the Sundance -- and now Cannes -- hit 'Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire', and it may be the best move she's ever made.
The usually glam singer-actress -- who is said to travel with her own personal brigade of beauticians and sleep with no less than 20 humidifiers surrounding her bed -- is earning critical raves for her turn as a homely (to be nice) social worker in the film, which had its red-carpet premiere at the Cannes Film Festival over the weekend.
Sis Finds Long-Lost Brother Across Street
Iman On Michelle Obama's Beauty

"Mrs. Obama is not a great beauty. But she is so interesting looking and so bright. That will always take you farther. When you're a great beauty, it's always downhill for you. If you're someone like Mrs. Obama, you just get better with age."
-- World renowned fashion icon Iman on First Lady Michelle Obama's beauty. (Parade)
Fawcett's friend: No one has given her a timetable

Farrah Fawcett, whose public battle with anal cancer has brought new attention to a rarely discussed disease, has not been given a timetable from her doctor about how much time she has left, according to her friend Alana Stewart.
"No one has said to her you have two months to live," Stewart said Monday. "So I'm looking at that as a really good sign."
Stewart talked with Lara Spencer, host of "The Insider," who discussed her interview with Fawcett's close friend on CNN's "Larry King Live" Monday night.
Spencer said Fawcett, her family and friends are clinging to hope for a recovery.
"She [Alana Stewart] doesn't want to throw out a number. And neither does Farrah. ... They're still hoping for that miracle," Spencer said.
"Farrah's Story," a documentary-style program that has followed the course of her illness and showed her grueling treatment in graphic detail, aired on NBC Friday and was viewed by almost 9 million people.
I don't know about you but 'I'm praying for a miracle where Farrah is concerned!