Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Soul Wow!

And here I thought that those late night SHAM-WOW advertisements had taken the cake.  Not until I saw this one which is like the Sham-Wow commercial had it gone to church.

So here you have it,  a timely, tongue-in-cheek spoof of the ShamWow dork. And from the Catholics, no less - not normally known for doing advertising beyond letting you know via vinyl banner that they're having a bingo night this Saturday.

On a somewhat related note, check out ShamWow guy - en Español!

Jack in the Box - Reachin' the Stoner Demo

Jack in the Box, the box you can put yer weed in...man. Now as a kid I used to love going to our Jack in the Box until they closed down on the east coast due to health code violations and various other urban legends (ie: rat tails found in the milkshakes, roaches in the fries, etc).  But it appears that they are still riding high on the West Coast.

Another in their ongoing attempt to reach the late-night, really hungry for some tacos, man, crowd.

I suppose it's an audience worth targeting: I'm sure there are plenty of kids in college with little money to spend on food once they've spent their money on pot.

CS Research & the $2 survey

Well, well, well I checked my mail yesterday and all the way from Van Nuys, California comes this survey with a $2 bill!  Seems that CS Research would like me to answer just a few questions.  In their letter, they assure me that a) they are not trying to sell me anything, b) they will NOT sell my personal information or opinions to third parties.  

Since Direct Mail or Direct Response is such a tough sell they've included a crisp $2 bill so that I will feel compelled to fill out their 45 question survey complete with all information about my household income, ethnicity, square footage of home, what kind of garage I'd rather have, etc.   It just seems to me that while they say that they will not "sell" the information to any third parties that from the questions being asked that there is either a lending institution, mortage company or home builder behind this survey. 

I don't have time to scan this letter in but apparently they've sent this out to a few people because I found one other person who got a letter for $1!  I guess I made out!  LOL

So what should I do?  They've paid me $2 already. Maybe I'll just go out to the Dunkin Donuts and treat myself to a coffee and donut!