The season's mystery and suspense come to a shocking end as Lynette adapts to Tom's decision to go back to school, Orson takes a beating that Bree cannot comprehend, Gaby's niece moves to Wisteria Lane, and Susan and MJ's lives are in grave danger at the hands of Dave.
Do you think it's Susan he married or Kathryn? Notice we didn't see Susan or Kathryn at the wedding nor MJ. Or could Mike have married neither BUT someone from the second season who we know we'll see next season? BTW next season should start with a 3 month time jump.
I also didn't like that the lady in the airport didn't give Kathryn the exact message that Mike left. He said "tell her I had to leave it's an emergency..." the lady told her "he's gone he said he's sorry." That in itself could have made Kathryn feel betrayed and dumped and made her want to leave Mike once and for all and head out to be with her daughter.
Or if Mike did marry Kathryn (and her daughter didn't come to the wedding? We did jump 3 months she would have had time to come then since it wasn't on the weekend now) I could see Susan not being there especially if she w ent to Canada to be with Jackson and then we see them return from Canada with him and a green card - Visa next season.
One thing I did notice is that Dave's nurse in the Mental Hospital looks a bit like the lady who's sister died in the second season and who came to town to seek revenge on Mary Allison's husband who had killed her. So that could be a clue for next season... perhaps we have not seen the last of Dave after all. And a side note on Dave. I don't really think that he wanted to cause Susan or Mike pain I think he was looking to causing pain for himself because he blamed himself for the deaths of his wife and kids. The last scene with Dave kinda confirms this.
And what about Lynette prego again! I say LEGO the EGO's!
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