Talk about lousy karma.
Despite reports that TBS was on the verge of rescuing My Name is Earl from NBC's scrap heap, a spokesperson for Twentieth Century Fox Television confirms that the Emmy-winning comedy is officially dead.
In a statement, the studio rep said, "While we had hoped to find a way to produce additional episodes for TBS, in the final analysis we simply could not make the economics work without seriously undermining the artistic integrity of the series. As none of us, [series creator] Greg [Garcia] included, want the show to go out on anything but a high note, we regret that we must put to rest any speculation that Earl will continue. We are grateful to everyone at TBS for their enthusiasm for the series and wish to offer our heartfelt thanks to the cast and crew of My Name is Earl for their incredible work."
It would have been nice if NBC could have wrapped the series up in lets say a 2 hour movie event where Earl goes through the whole list. We wouldn't necessarily need to see him do everyone - perhaps 3-4 people and just have him ramble out the names of others that he helped also in the interim. Now that would be closure and I just can't understand how networks can't work that into their plans to cancel a show. Given enough time writers and producers can always craft a story to satisfy the fans.
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