When Apple first started throwing punches with its condescending 'I'm a Mac' ads, Microsoft struggled to hit back. The Redmond-based company's initial response was a series of ineffective, touchy-feely 'I'm a Pc' spots. After these fell flat, Microsoft came out with the 'Laptop Hunters'series of ads, claiming that PCs offer a better value than Macs. Something about these ads must have struck a chord at Apple, because the company responded directly to the 'Laptop Hunter' series with its own spin on the campaign. But, if Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner is to be believed, Apple's own retort wasn't enough to dissuade today's value-conscious American consumer.
Speaking at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference, Turner claimed that Apple's legal team had contacted him, stating "you need to stop running those ads, we lowered our prices." Ars technica writes that Turner wondered at first if the call was a joke, but went on to say it, "was the greatest single phone call in ... history that I've ever taken in business." Apple may have cut it's prices recently, but the so-called "Apple tax" is still very much a reality. Entry to the cult of Apple will run you $999 for a MacBook. A comparably equipped Dell laptop will set you back $300 less. If true, the story highlights how effective Microsoft's latest marketing campaign has been. After a few years of Madison Avenue dominance, we're actually kind of enjoying seeing Apple on the defensive.
However, owning a Mac myself I can honestly tell you that once you go Mac you won't go back to a PC.
In relation to this story I felt the need to respond in defense of Mac.
ReplyDeleteIt's highly doubtful that there was actually a phone call as described by Turner, because anyone with even the slightest knowledge of law knows that one company has no legal control over another company's advertising. For example, have you ever heard of Microsoft demanding That Apple stop running it's Mac vs. PC ads (which are MUCH more effective than the shopping-for-a-PC ads)?
Of course not!
More likely, if Turner did actually receive a phone call from Apple, it may not have been someone from Apple's legal department, but perhaps someone from Apple's PR department asking Microsoft to amend their misleading advertising to reflect Apple's current retail prices.
But regardless of whether or not Turner got a phone call as he described, I still can't understand why Microsoft (a company that makes computer software, not hardware) is spending many millions of dollars advertising other companies' computers. This is especially weird when you consider that more and more people buying these computers manufactured by Dell, HP, Sony, etc. are dumping Windows in favor of running Linux or even "Hackintoshing" Mac OS X to run on this very same hardware.
The answer is probably because Microsoft can't show their own product, Windows, in a positive light when comparing it to Mac OS X. That is why we haven't seen commercials like this, and never will.
Just remember one thing folks! There are Yugo's and there are sports cars! I have a Mac and it runs just fine. Everyone I know that has a PC has problems. My Macbook pro runs and runs well. Three years of faithful service and not even a burb. No fuss, no muss and I don't even have virus protection on it! The one thing that the Microsoft ad doesn't tell you is that Microsoft doesn't even make computers.
ReplyDeleteit is true that microsoft doesnt build computers and yes, macs are a lot easier to maintain, however most folks looking to buy laptops are looking for desktop replacements with 17 inch screens, or still have all that power in a more compact 15 inch screen..... you can easily get all that with all the bells and whistles with pc's but macs, with less features, is double the price..... and most people will always go back to the price.... no matter what else you tell them.... because no matter how you slice it.... pc's are the norm..... im sure this convo will be mute in a couple years..... technology is going so fast, its almost astonishing.... the problem with buying a laptop now is that in a couple months, there is one out there thats better than yours with more everything and its cheaper..... i dunno if i even made a point in this rambling..... im quite high.... plus most people go to pc's because that is what they are comfortable with ..... its what they know they know that start button..... they know virusscan, they know defrag, thats usually all they know.... the ones that dont know that are screwed from the start.... i think every computer should come with an interactive program to teach you how to use your new computer
ReplyDeleteI have owned MAC's since the SE7. My wife uses8 PC's in her business. We are constantly wasting time doing virus scans with the PC's. We are constantly wasting time upgrading software, firmware and paying IT people to fix the PC's. PC users confuse the initial cost of a PC with the total cost of a PC. My loaded MacBook Pro with an initial price of almost $3000.00 has cost less than any $400.00 PC. How much employee time do you waste with PC problems or even loading a Microsoft product. Consider total cost. As a gamer I listen to my PC friends constantly complain about hardware failures with video cards, sound cards, and software. You get what you pay for in the PC/Mac world.
ReplyDeleteJust remember: you get what you pay for! I L-O-V-E my Mac! Hubby, on the other hand, has all kinds of probs with his PC...he's always using my computer! Geesh!
ReplyDeleteI have a HP and it sucks we already know that come sept I am getting a new apple for school. I'd rather pay more and have less problems.. My hp is less than a year old and with in 2 weeks of having it the fan went out, the the key board, mouse monitor, I have sent it back to be repaired and now the dang thing just cuts off when i am doing home work by its self and reformats the hard drive so i loss everything...
ReplyDeleteConsidering the experiences I've had with both Macs & PCs, I'd go with a Mac regardless of the price difference. What difference does the price make if you're going to spend it on maintainence? Had I known what problems I was going to have with PCs, I'd never have stepped away from Macs. Besides, isn't there software now that allows you to run Windows apps. on Macs?
ReplyDeleteI work at an Apple store and I am not biased for "just PCs" or "just Macs." At home, my dad has a Dell and I love it whenever I go home. At for school, I use my Mac. I have had it for 4 years and it still works wonderfully. All my room mates have PCs and have had to have them replaced at least once a year. Macs DO last longer but they aren't for everyone and it's understandable. Certain people need it for certain software and uses that aren't around for Macs yet. I wish Mac had everything for their systems but they don't, hopefully they will because they are wonderful to use. For school, I find it much more enjoyable because I don't have to worry about crashes or viruses.
ReplyDeleteMy problem with the latest commercial about Pc vs Mac is that the commercial is not giving out correct information. A PC can have 4gb of memory but once you put XP or Vista, you have less than that. With OSX for Mac, it says you have 4gb memory and that stays true because the operating system is already on it. The commercial makes it sound like you get tons more with a PC and it simply isn't true. Also, one of the very first commercials that came out had a redheaded girl buying her PC. That girl is an actress, not an actual student. It's all very deceiving to others. The only reason I know this is because I work at a store. The average person goes by what they see on tv and do no research. Just make sure you do your research before buying :)
Once you use a Mac...you won't ever go back! My daughter convinced me to switch and I was a loyal PC user. I will admit that the first week that I had my MacBookPro I wanted to throw it out the window...called my daughter and told her how I felt and she said "calm down mom, you are just over thinking it, quit thinking PC" and she was so right! Ease of use, less steps to do just about anything, one click...that's it! Now when I use a PC I am so frustrated I want to throw IT put the window! I do a lot of graphics work and nothing else compares...just my opinion...but I sure as heck stand by it As for limited software availability...almost all programs are universal (the logo is right on the box!) and even if you are using a mac program like pages or keynote you can save all your work (again...one click) to word or powerpoint format ! I love my Mac and it was worth every penny!
ReplyDeleteLook at the specs. The Mac OSX takes less than half of what windows does. You need to load your PC with 1 GB of Ram just to run, 2 GB to get the operating system to function well. A Mac on the other hand takes 128 MB to run the operating system perfectly. Windows also takes up 15 GB of hard drive space. Mac takes 1.5 GB minimum 3 GB recommended. this means that a Mac gets to use more of its hardware power for doing what you need it to do. As for compatibility issues, run Parallels, BootCamp or another virtual machine software on a Mac to be able to run all your windows based software. I have both, a Mac and a PC. I thought I would always be a PC person, I was wrong. I am the only person in my office that has a Mac for I do all our layout and design work. I am also the only person in the office that does not have to contact IT all the time and has had no down time from their machine. Macs can also read both Mac and Windows based files, Windows cannot. I would certainly buy a Mac after the experience I have had with my Mac Book Pro from work. The only problem I have ever had with the Mac is that Microsoft Entourage, the Mac version of Outlook crashes all the time. Thank you Microsoft for another stelar product...not!
ReplyDeleteHmm. I can't help but wonder: What if the cash the 'Laptop Hunters' are given, is Microsoft's way of helping them to pay for all the repair/upgrade costs that will inevitably happen in short order. Who's going to remember that their PC-laptop's total cost was truly $2000 to $3000, when - thanks to an on-the-spot cash rebate - the out-of-pocket expense was $1000 to $1500?
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that Microsoft is using the 'free PC' for the same purpose that a restaurant will 'comp' (give you for free) your meal. A product/service that is far from stellar is remembered far more favorably when the sting of the cost has been removed. The hope is, when you return in the future, the quality of product/service will have had a chance to improve to at least the level you (generously, yet erroneously) gave them credit for previously, which then reaffirms your prior assesment.
I would be very interested in a follow-up visit (or 2, or more) with the people featured in these commercials, after they have had their 'free' PC laptops for awhile. It would be enlightening to both PC and Mac afficionados, to see how well or poorly the laptops featured in these 'reality TV' snippets hold up (and add-up, cost-wise) over time.
MAC ALL THE WAY! I've been a PC user for YEARS and I'll tell you this-it's well, well worth the difference in price because you're buying a FAR superior piece of equipment. You're better off saving for a Mac than dumping money to fix a PC-over and over and over and over and over and over and over...