You can't expect a bank that is dumb enough to sue itself to know why it is suing itself.
"Due to state foreclosure laws, lenders are obligated to name and notify subordinate lien holders," said Wells Fargo spokesman Kevin Waetke. Now of course after seeing the article written by Al Lewis I once again found myself scratching my head and asking; Why in the world did we as a nation help Wells Fargo in the first place?
This is a perfect example of a bank deemed "to big to fail" being given government bailout funds and then not helping the people who in effect now own a good percentage of the company until said debt is paid back. With such behavior one has to question whether Wells Fargo knows how to handle the money it has already received.
Throughout the internet one can find numerous complaints filed by customers who have gotten no assistance with loan modifications, mortgage refinancing and the like over the past few years. And yet Wells Fargo has partaken of the pot of gold distributed out by our government for at risk banks.
I encourage you all to review the article at the following link and let me know what you think. Also for your viewing pleasure I've attached the link to the consumer complaints page on Wells Fargo as well.
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