Desperate to obtain new viewers after it's dismal premiere, the creators of the Melrose Place reboot have managed to do something right for a change. THEY GOT HEATHER LOCKLEAR BACK TO PLAY AMANDA WOODWARD!!!! Ok friends, to say that I am 100%+ ecstatic is a given. I truly was one of those from the beginning who wanted to see our lovely Heather back in the saddle on this new reboot. And while she turned down the original offer (it was originally suppose to be her body in the pool and not Sidney's) I am very happy that she did because it proves a point. There is NO MELROSE without Heather Locklear's - Amanda Woodward!
Really happy today on this news!!! What do you all think?
Melrose was my favorite show. Watch the first episode of the new one and tuned out. I’ll watch now that Amanda Woodward is back! Love Heather Locklear she’s the best.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem I’m having w/ the new show is the sound track constantly playing in the back ground? It takes away from the “real feeling drama” of what the show is suppose to represent? Heather is going to help, however, she nor will the original cast fit into that new aged music ALWAYS playing setting.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Woodward can’t possibly hurt the show. Amanda IS Melrose Place.
ReplyDeleteDidn’t Amanda (and Peter) fake their own deaths (with the help of Michael) in the series finale of the original series?
ReplyDeleteI haven’t seen the new Melrose Place, but if it is like the new 90210 it will have problems. The new 90210 is dark in character, the sets are dark and distracting, the characters are not interesting, too formulaic. They need Brenda and Tori FT. I’ll watch the new Melrose with all of the old cast back. Amanda/Heather – fabulous fun to watch!
ReplyDeleteHeather will be killed the first 15 mintues like Sydney was. The show killed the best thing it had going for it and will likely do it again to prove another point.
ReplyDeleteI ponder this… with all the fresh new talent in the world, why do tv networks keep dusting off old scripts/tv shows and actors. Can we please move on?
ReplyDeleteOk…I know it’s just TV…But in the FINALE (ehem!) episode of the original…didn’t Amanda and Peter fake their own deaths …run away to the tropics…to never be found again…and have their story covered by Michael (with the help of a HUGE pay-off the was irresistable)???
ReplyDeleteNow she’s back like nothing ever happened?!? I am sure the IRS will be-a-knocking
I have been trying to watch the Series Premier since it aired. I watch about 5 mins and then tune to something else. As others I really like the original Melrose but I just can’t get into the new one. I’m not sure that even Heather Locklear can save this one. I’ll be surprised if it lasts the first season.
ReplyDelete*shrug* I’ll happily be the lone dissenter… I haven’t had time to sit down and watch the 2nd episode yet, but I actually kind of liked the first episode. It built on the past with the old characters and set up enough story possibilities for the new characters to carry the show forward.
ReplyDeleteIt was campy, it was trashy…. it was exactly what I would have wanted out of a new Melrose Place.
Gabe, I agree. It’s not like they can just start MP again…the plots have been interesting and I’m giving it a chance. Liked the first ep a lot. It will be interesting to see how they can bring Amanda back into the mix…I’m so there.
ReplyDeleteI’m with you Matt. Saw the first episode and thought it had some interesting tibbits. Will be watching the 2nd and 3rd episodes this week.
ReplyDeleteThey shouldn’t dust these old shows and resurrect them to begin with; but when they do, the only people that will watch are those that watched the former show-it’s a dichotomy- I don’t want to watch a bunch of 20 years olds sitting around- they are much too different now then they were when I was their age and I’m not interested in trying to relate to them. Rather, I’d be more interested in them dusting off the original actors and constructing a new story based on where they have been since the original story left off. I can relate to that. 20 somethings aren’t going to watch because they’ve got Gossip Girl, True Blood, etc. IMO, Katie Cassidy isn’t convincing at all to replace the calculating preternatural Amanda in her hey day. I don’t think it will work if she comes back, if they are still basing the story among the 20 year old set- for me, who cares about them? Yawn. I’d rather see the now 40+’s in action.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all your comments. I like the new Melrose Place, especially the storyline about the doctor.
ReplyDeleteOld fans of the show who can’t get over the old show are a pain in the ass. I’m an old fan of the original Melrose Place, and, while I’m loving the story line involving Sydney and having Michael back, I don’t want the same old show all over again. I like the new characters, especially Ella and Caleb, and I am hooked on the new show after just two episodes. Old fans need to stop living in the past.
ReplyDelete“backed up enough money trucks to entice Heather Locklear into reprising her role” Why would they have to pay her a lot? It’s not like Locklear has been doing much over the past decade beyond dating total losers.
ReplyDelete““backed up enough money trucks to entice Heather Locklear into reprising her role” Why would they have to pay her a lot? It’s not like Locklear has been doing much over the past decade beyond dating total losers”
ReplyDeleteWell, whether she is an in-demand star or not, the reality is that her name in combo with the name MELROSE PLACE will definitely cause nostalgia buffs who don’t care about the new cast, to tune in. Locklear has a large following, and there’s no denying that the original MP had a lot to do with it. She made that show the uber-successful guilty pleasure it was. Julia Roberts may not be much in the way of a box office atraction today, but I can guarantee you that if she decided to make a Pretty Woman sequel, she would get paid a ton to do it. Same reason that Harrison Ford will not get 20 million for a romantic comedy, but most certainly will for Indiana Jones 5
Ok, gang now that I've seen some of your comments I'm going to jump in. The new show def needs HL and her Amanda. I agree too that she has a large fan base from the original series AND wouldn't it be fun to find out that she's ELLA's mother? Then perhaps bring Linda Gray over just for a visit (for those who didn't watch the original she played Amanda's mother and spun off into Models Inc - which if you ask me is totally what the CW's "The Beautiful Life" is) and see how Amanda now feels to have a child and one that's bisexual!
ReplyDeleteI can see Amanda entering as one of the chief partners in Ella's firm or the new Owner which would certainly ruffle Ella's feathers - not to mention a cliffhanger ending where everyone is wondering who the new landlord is to find it's AMANDA!
I find it a real blast to see the old characters and how they function with the newer group. Why can't that be what the show is about. You know like the "sins of the father" kind of mentality? Come on, if your going to reboot something then do it right!
Now CW play your cards right and DO NOT make AMANDA the one who killed SYDNEY because if you do then I will jump ship faster than a ray of light!