Jon Gosselin has paid back $230,000 he took from the joint bank account he shares with estranged wife Kate Gosselin, but still says Kate hasn't accounted for $33,000 she spent, Usmagazine.com reports.
"We have all the representation we need. All we need is Kate's participation and Kate to stop crying on TV," Jon's lawyer Mark Heller said outside the courtroom, criticizing Mrs. Gosselin for not attending the hearing.
However, Kate's lawyer claims that she doesn't have to account for that missing money. "It's fully compliant," Cheryl Young said, PEOPLE reports.
For his part, Jon is "optimistic" about the proceedings -- although he's still without an attorney. (Heller is not licensed to practice in Pennsylvania where the hearings are taking place.)
"I'll just get another attorney. I have to," he told PEOPLE after Charlie Meyer resigned again.
The case has now been left to arbitrators and a two-day conference has been scheduled for next month.
After the hearing, Kate's attorneys released a statemen, TMZ reports.
"We are clearly pleased that the monies taken by Mr. Gosselin have been returned to the marital account, and we look forward to recouping additional monies taken by Mr. Gosselin at the time of the parties' private arbitration hearings," it read.
"A total of at least $235,000 was taken by Mr. Gosselin, and despite his initial comments denying responsibility, we have established that Ms. Gosselin needed emergency relief to prevent her economic claims from being compromised."
Why would Kate have to replace any money? She's MOTHERING the kids. FEEDING the kids, cooking, cleaning, caring...HEY JON, WHAT DO YOU DO? Get a job, before AMERICA has to pick up the tab. You worthless piece of flesh!
ReplyDeleteOh Carole. Ye of small brain. Don't you watch, don't you read. When Kate is off (as she is many, many times) to the spa, to get her hair done, to shop, to go to the store and no wheree in sight are her kids? Why? BEcause she LEAVES them with NANNIES!!! So give us all a break with how hard she toils for her kids. HA! When my kids were young I never had time to do any of this stuff, especially by myself. I'm sure there are plenty of mothers who would agree. Let alone enough time to exercise or do I dare say...get plastic surgery. Kate needs to stop whinning like one of her kids.The same with all you scorned single/divorced mothers. Kates not hurting in the same way you all were. Far from it!
ReplyDeleteNo no no, dear--*I* am "mothering". Kate is out doing whatever she pleases, leaving her children in the care of others. I am homeschooling, raising six kids to be responsible adults, feeding them healthy homecooked meals every day (on about 1/4 the money of what Kate was crying about!), dealing with three who have special needs, etc., etc. KATE is getting plastic surgery, getting her hair and nails done, and WHINING like one of her own bratty brood! Jon might not be an ideal father, but Kate is NO mother.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right he is worthless and if he thinks we (america) is going to pick up the tab so he can keep running around with that drug user he is wrong. Jon get a job and some brains.
ReplyDeleteCarole, are you seriously kidding???? MOTHERING?? Is that what you call what Kate is doing? That must be a post modern kind of mothering she's doing instead of the old fashioned kind that I was raised on. Cooking, cleaning, caring for the kids?? HA. She's got people doing that for her while she's out going to the spa, doing her hair,nails tummy tucks or whatever she's having done this week. As for caring? The only thing she cares about are what kind of perks and bonuses she's going to get in her next contract w/ TLC. Kudos to Jon for putting a stop to his kids being in front of the cameras on that show. He may not be the best father out there but at least he's got his kids' well being in mind in that apect.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't Kate get a job? The kids are in school all day and there's no reason why she can't get a job right along with Jon so America doesn't have to pick up the tab. And if she spent the $30,000 on the kids, then she should have no problem coming up with receipts to prove what she did with it. Maybe if she'd grow a garden on their oversized house, she would'nt spend so much at the grocery store. I watch an episode of Supernanny yesterday with a single mom of 5 kids, which included a 7 year old, 5 yr old twin boys, and 4 yr old twin boys. She was also going to school at night and raising these kids on her own. Maybe Kate should call her and ask her how to do it on a budget. Which would mean no more stylists, manicures, tanning sessions, hired help, publicist, etc. She is just as bad as Jon.
ReplyDeleteCarole, what planet are you living on. Kate does NONE of those things...she has hired help to watch the kids, clean the house, and even a personal chef. Maybe if she'd stay home once in a blue moon, she could save some of that money she so "desperately" needs. She is a self-absorbed diva who cares about nothing but herself and her "bodyguard." Jon is the one who has provided the majority of the care for those children while she's out flitting around. She is no role model in any form or fashion. TLC is despicably duplicitous in this situation. Get that media whore OFF THE AIR!!!
ReplyDeleteIf the 30,000 that Kate is refusing to account for is also from the joint bank account that arbitrators have said to be off limits without proof of necessity and receipts from both of them, then Kate is clearly in just as much of a violation of established legal terms as Jon is. While Jon's garbage may stink, Kate's certainly doesn't smell like roses. Jon's childish and not too bright, but Kate is passive-aggressively manipulative and vindictive.
ReplyDeleteIve so had it with these people..they make me sick. Im boycotting this channel until they take these people off the air. Its not good for those kids.
ReplyDeleteJon's lawyer wants Kate to stop crying on TV? Is he serious? Jon is the media whore. He courts media attention constantly. Wasn't his birthday cake for his twins bought by a media outlet so he could get his picture taken? He's delusional!
ReplyDeleteThose two need to be committed in a mental Institution. "He Said" She Said" He Did" She Did" give me a break already. Two Liars and there children stuck in the middle. I can not believe she cried on national Tv about having only a $1000 to food shop with. If her P.R put that interview together than they need a P.R. It pathetic that there kids think of the paparazzi and tv crew as faimly and cry because they miss them around. OMG, when i read that i was floored. Please Kate if you read these, you seriously need to check yourself into an institution.
ReplyDeletePoor Jon, he isn't very smart, more on the dumb side. Jon said he did not take $230.000, he said he could prove what he took. Now the bank can prove it all, and I am sure Jon lied and the bank proved Jon lied. Now Kate had already seen the account, she seen a recording when Jon took the money, she proved Jon took that much money before she pressed charges. Kate has a head on the shoulders. She is no dummy, and she is smart enough to know that Jon is more on the dumb sick, or that he is not very smart. Maybe not a dummy for real, he acts like a 12 year old in a man body. Jon is a weak person and he know it, he just want to be better, he wants people to think of him as a strong minded, and smart action person. He loves the girls. Having 8 babies shows he isn't very smart, Now Kate's point of view on the six, she worked hard for this, she knew where she could go with these kids, else she would have never had them. Kate is a strong wise person, but being that does not make her better then me, I just don't have her money.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them are the worst parents around. Jon seems to do more with the kids. Kate maybe home but it is still the nannies that take care of them. Both of them need to get a life and stop using the kids. Kate used the kids to write books and for the show. She is just as worthless as Jon is. Get a real job and stop using your kids to support both your uselss ass. You both are sick people, and only think of yourselfs.