Just as poison shook Shakespeare's Juliet off this mortal coil, so too does a nuclear explosion send Dr. Juliet Burke of 'Lost' into the great blue yonder, confirms Entertainment Weekly (via Vulture blog).
The final episode of season 5 featured Juliet declaring her love for Sawyer and making a bomb go "boom," which had fans wondering if the heroic fertility doctor survived the explosion. But apparently not even the writers of 'Lost,' who are certainly capable of making people come back to life when they feel like it, could shield Juliet from such a big bang. So, don't look for the doc in the sixth (and final) season, because she's definitely gone, baby, gone .. though in the great tradition of 'Lost' beyond-the-grave appearances, she may still pop up in an episode or two.
Supposedly, actress Elizabeth Mitchell -- who'll still have a job in the new series 'V' -- cried and drank for a couple of days after being told that Juliet was being killed off. Of course she did. The show shoots in Hawaii -- who would want to lose a gig like that?
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