President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, a stunning decision that comes just eight months into his presidency. The Nobel committee recognized Obama's efforts to solve complex global problems including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons.
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said.
And it has me scratching my head and asking WTF??
As the recent SNL skit so perfectly pointed out the man really hasn't accomplished much of anything in his first 9 months. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." Really? Are you kidding me? We have two political houses in chaos here in the United States and for all the hoo-hahing about "reaching across the isle" we've seen very little of it. And talk about back-peddling has the world gone completely mad and nobody not really see it?
Now don't get me wrong, I would be more than happy to support such a nomination say years from now when there is a proven track record of service BUT this man didn't even finish his first term as Senator before being elected President and has really NO experience in world affairs. I would really like to go up to my boss today and say "Hey, just because I'm me why don't you make me a director or executive producer. I have really no experience at those positions BUT I can really talk good and look good in a suit and while were at it why not give me an EMMY and OSCAR to boot because well I deserve it."
I just wonder what kind of message we send to not only young Americans but the rest of the world when someone can bounce onto the world scene and not do anything different than Presidents of the past and get an award for it. And how about the scientists, poets, humanitarians and many others who are effecting the world on a daily basis? Why is he any better than them? They at least have a life time record of service and not just a 9 month stint in an office.
What are your thoughts?
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