I don't know what is more shocking on this story. I used to live in Haverstraw, NY and yes the town is filled with some very interesting personalities to tell the truth but this just takes the cake. In these times, people use a lot crazy tactics to try to get a job, and some actually work. Brandishing a gun, however, is not one of them.
According to LoHud.com, a man took the term "Job Hunt" a little too literally. He walked into a Taco Bell in Haverstraw, NY on Monday afternoon, pulled out a gun, demanded money, then continued on to the manager's office.
This time, instead of pointing his gun, he asked the manager for an employment application.
Although the manager did not witness the attempted holdup, he told the suspect no and asked him to leave the restaurant.
The man left -- without the money or the job. Funny thing is I used to live right up the hill from the Taco Bell and used to sneak out late at night and go out my back yard and down the small sloping hill to the Taco Bell and stand at the order box and then walk up along the drive thru and pick up my order. LOL Oh, good times, good times.... and good to see that they are still there!
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