Ok, am I the only one who's been watching SGU and wondering to myself when will this show get good?
I mean come on. It's been several weeks since it's launch and I'm still as bored as I was with the pilot. Do you mean to tell me that they cancelled Stargate Atlantis for this? And talk about a lousy opening. They did the same thing with Stargate Atlantis in the last two seasons by abbreviating the opening credits. The SGU credits take the cake. Simply SGU. That's it. Gone are the days of the opening title sequence. Or perhaps this is their way of telling us that SGU has an even lesser budget than SGA did in it's final seasons.
One would think that this is the case when you not only look at the simple opening credit and roaster of actors. Add in the set which looks like it could have come from any of the past Stargate franchises and the future of this show looks rather bleak.
I'm a big Stargate fan and I used to stay up on Friday and watch them on Scyfy Channel but now I find myself watching SGU once ever 4 weeks or so. I expected the Pilot episode to be rather slow since it had to set up the story but for the past few weeks I've found myself rooting for the crews quick death as opposed to watching any more of this kind of slop.
You know something is wrong when you a) find yourself rooting for the demise of the entire cast during a crisis b) wish that the ship would just allow them to dial Earth so we could just skip to the end c) wish that the ship and crew would all perish in the hot sun they are going through & d) find yourself watching anything other than what used to be your favorite franchise.
Come on - give us some real good Stargate or shut down the franchise until you can come up with something better!
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