With his buffer-than-ever bod, no one would ever think of picking on New Moon star Taylor Lautner.
But when he was younger, it was a different story.
"I was never extremely confident," the actor, now 17, tells the new issue of Rolling Stone. "Because I was an actor, when I was in school there was a little bullying going on. Not physical bullying but people making fun of what I do ... I just had to tell myself I can't let this get to me. This is what love to do. And I'm going to continue to do it."
He says he is still amazed at how fast his career has taken off.
"Nobody knew what Twilight was going to be," he says. "Nobody. We thought we were making it just for passionate fans of the book. People just kept telling Us, 'Oh, yeah, the movie is going to do so good.' And we were like, 'All right, whatever. We'll see.' But when the movie came out, I was just blown away. That's when I realized, 'Boy, what am I getting myself into?'"
In New Moon, Lautner gets nearly as much screen time as Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward.
But he is staying modest about his career.
"This could have happened to anybody who played Jacob," says Lautner, who famously packed on 26 lbs. of muscle for New Moon. "I was just lucky enough to be the one that has the opportunity. I'm so grateful. It's Twilight. It's not me personally."
When the topic turns to new girlfriend Taylor Swift, Lautner plays it coy.
Asked if they're together, he teases, "Possibly."
While shooting the the 2010 ensemble romantic comedy Valentine's Day, he says, "We got along great. We instantly clicked. And she's -- she's an amazing girl. Aside from being beautiful, she's extremely funny, charismatic and fun to be around, so we definitely got along. We're close."
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