Just another reason why I say China is poised to take over the world. He says Ho, Ho, Ho with a Cantonese accent, but Hong Kong's Jim Chan is the world's best Santa. No, really, it's official. He is.
He earned the crown for his "porridge eating skills" according to media reports out of Sweden, home of the Santa Games, where Kris Kringles from across the globe have been shaking their bellies for the title.
This year's is the sixth installment, although the last competition was held in 2007 with an Aussie Santa grabbing the crown. David Dawney used kangaroos to practice for the reindeer driving portion of the competition.
Chan, who is credited as Chang in some news reports but is indeed Chan, was one of the leaders back in 2007, but 2009 he bested them all at present wrapping, chimney climbing and of course porridge eating. While he doesn't speak Swedish or English, Chang was able to proclaim "Merry Christmas!" in his native Cantonese. How many Santas can do that?
A magician back in his native Hong Kong, Chan says he loves playing with kids, which went a long way toward becoming the best. After all, official rules of the Santa Games state:
Santa has to be nice to everyone, especially children.
Santa has to be completely sober.
Santa [suit] has to be clean and looking its Santa best (red or gray and white)!
Santa can have a big beard, but not a silly mask.
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