Please don't get me wrong I for one want to take $20 out of my own pocket and donate to the efforts over in Haiti but when I read that my government is pledging to send $100 million dollars in aid and more American troops I can't help but ask;
Where are we getting this money from? We already have a debt into the trillions of dollars.
Why didn't we use this kind of money to help persons who were loosing their homes during the mortgage crisis or to help Katrina victims rebuild their homes and lives?
More troops? Haven't we lent enough of our troops out into the world? Here of course it most definitely needed but perhaps we should pull out of countries that don't really want us there and we'll be better positioned to help out countries such as Haiti.
And think about this, on September 11th the World Trade Centers were attacked and destroyed. Wasn't that a catastrophe? Then why didn't the government just open up its coffers then and pay for the rebuilding work of those towers (which btw are still not up and this is like going on 9 years!)? Heck for that amount you could build a tower as big as the worlds new highest marvel in Dubai!
I just find it strange that during times of natural disasters that we in America are so ready to take of our excess and yet when a financial disaster occurs we don't have that same compassion for our fellow man. Think, if each of us just took $5-$20 and donated to a fund to save the victims of Katrina or to help them rebuild what could have been done. To this day there are homes in New Orleans that still have not been rebuilt and probably never will be.
Taking that same model for example think of how many homes we could have helped be saved from bank foreclosures. Now I'm not saying that we should help those who lied on their credit applications, owned multiple homes or the like but you get the point. Where was or is our sense of responsibility and charity for our fellow man? And why is the media playing the scenes in Haiti out over and over while not giving the same media coverage to lets say homeowners being evicted out of their homes or grannies being shipped off to a nursing home because they lost all of their money in the Madoff scandal? If they did would we have been as generous to help?
I personally feel bad for those in Haiti for all that they are going through now and I hope that in time that Haiti can rebuild and move forward from this with perhaps a more forward thinking government running things. Those in Haiti will also need to learn from this and hold their government accountable for the gross poverty and substandard living that exists. True the country was poor but that's because the ruling class has long used the governments treasury as their own personal ATM. And let us not mention the mass corruption that exists at all the governmental levels.
So in ending I ask that we not only come together to help out our fellow man in Haiti but I ask us all to deeply ponder over the thoughts herein raised and ask "What am I doing for my fellow man?"
Very well put Mr. Carter. Not only is this well thought out... but if we can't help ourselves and we fall, what will happen to the rest of the world? Who will help them then?!
ReplyDeleteWell we're getting all the money from China so maybe they can help the rest of the world. They already make everything sold in America.
ReplyDeleteBut if we leave it up for China to help the world, we will all be working for 7 cents an hour to repay them!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMight serve us right for living the "entitled" life for so long. LOL
ReplyDeleteFRAK THIS!!!
ReplyDeleteor as Fergie say the Glamorous, glamorous life! LOL
ReplyDeleteSO SAY WE ALL!
ReplyDeleteAll this has happened before, and will happen again…
ReplyDeleteSO SAY WE ALL!
ReplyDeleteCharity begins at home...........