Much like the Tiger Woods scandal a few months back, Jesse James' alleged cheating scandal is slowly (but surely) ballooning into a beast far more vast than anyone -- be it the media or wife Sandra Bullock -- initially thought. First, Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee came forward with her shocking claims of a sexual affair with James, and now a handful of others say they also bedded the 'Chopper' bad boy during his marriage to Bullock.
Jesse James' sex romps with stripper-dominatrix Michelle McGee weren’t the first time he cheated on America's sweetheart Sandra Bullock! Star can exclusively reveal he had a two-year relationship with Melissa Smith.
In the April 5 issue of Star — on sale today — the sexy blonde stripper spills the exclusive details of her affair with the Jesse — including unprotected sex, kinky requests and intercourse on his office couch.
Like Michelle, Melissa first made contact with Jesse online. But he reached out to her via MySpace in September 2006 (a year after he married Sandra) when he saw a photo of her on the Web site posing in front of a car at a West Coast Choppers party in Long Beach, Calif.
"I got a message from this guy saying,'Nice car...that’s my godfather’s.' After a few exchanges, he introduced himself as Jesse James and gave me his e-mail address with the name Vanilla Gorilla” — the nickname Jesse goes by and Michelle referred to as well.
Soon after Melissa traveled to California, where Jesse promised he'd take her for a ride in one of his cars, but they never made it out of his office!
After making small talk about the artwork on his walls and taking photos together, “I said, ‘Well, I guess I should get going,’ and he said, ‘You don’t have to,’ and moved his chair closer to me and started rubbing my leg. We ended up having sex on his couch," Melissa details.
Brigitte Daguerre -- a Los Angeles photographer -- claims Jesse hired her in 2008 to do styling work for a West Coast Choppers photo shoot. She says the two emailed and texted each other for a year, but claims they only had sex four times before she cut it off.
Daguerre has 195 text messages between her and Jesse (the cell phone numbers sync up) ... many of them extremely graphic. Among the milder, Jesse says, "I'll be your monkey."
Throughout the exchanges, Jesse repeatedly asks Daguerre to send pictures and set up rendezvous. In one exchange, Daguerre complained that Jesse wasn't letting loose. He explains, "I'm texting you in secret."
As I said before these women are sheer Skanks! NO way around it and money grabbing Skanks at that. I think I'd respect them a little more if they kept their business to themselves but NO they have to go to every tabloid there is and make money off another persons (Sandra's) pain. I hope each one of these women get it good for sleeping with a married man. And I don't for a moment believe that any of them are guiltless in the matter as I don't believe that any of the whores with Tiger Woods are.
ReplyDeleteIn response to VERITAS' comment: Yes, those women are skanks BUT that fact didn't bother JJ's "vanilla gorilla" one bit now did it? Respect you say? JJ obviously has NO respect for HIMSELF which he makes obvious by his choice of women. Give me a break dude...the TRUTH is this guy is a glorified welder w/no higher education. He may have some business acumen but the uneducated IDIOT blows it b/c he still makes IGNORANT choices. Best way to judge a man is by the company he keeps. JJ is as much an IGNORAMUS as are the women he beds. I'd bet a few of JJ's fellow coworkers at the garage operate with a similar moral compass.