When most people get in line at Orlando, Fla.'s new Harry Potter theme park, they're worried about the wait -- not their weight.
But according to some Harry Potter lovers, pudgy muggles -- those who weigh about 265 pounds or more -- are getting tossed from line at the most-hyped ride in Universal Studios' Wizarding World of Harry Potter amusement park.
Harry Potter fanatic Jeff Guillaume said he was "quite disappointed" after park officials turned him away from the Hogwarts-touring attraction because his 5-foot, 8-inch, 265-pound frame was deemed too large for the ride's safety harnesses.
"What it boils down to for me, and what surprised and disappointed me the most, was that many of Universal's other rides contain 'modified seating' rows for larger guests, and -- let's face it -- a good number of people in the Harry Potter fandom are a bit heavy, so why didn't Universal anticipate and accommodate us here?" he wrote on his website, the Harry Potter Automatic News Aggregator (HPANA to Potter maniacs).
Now if you ask me, the theme park is only doing what it must to protect those who are riding the rides. Weighing in at 265 pounds what did the 5-foot, 8-inch (who btw clinically he's obese) think - that he could actually fit into it? I mean come on, at his weight I'm sure they would make him purchase TWO seat tickets on Jet Blue just to travel. I think he should be a little less worried and bothered about not being able to be harnessed to a ride and a little more concerned for his overall health. Here's a suggestion; How about loosing about 165 pounds and bring yourself into the average weight class for someone your size and THEN go onto the ride. I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience a hell of a lot more then!
Just sayin' - thoughts?
For those who may want to book a travel or see more information on the ride itself go to the link below;
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