The Ivy League daughter of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani was busted Wednesday for shoplifting at an upper East Side beauty store, cops said.
Harvard senior Caroline Giuliani was caught at about 3:30 p.m stealing $150 worth of cosmetics from Sephora on E. 86th St. and Lexington Ave., sources said.
"She was caught red-handed. She knew it, and didn't act out," a police source said.
The 20-year-old daughter of New York's toughest-talking law-and-order mayor was arrested for misdemeanor petty larceny and hauled out of the store in handcuffs.
She was taken to the 19th Precinct stationhouse and issued a desk appearance ticket that requires her to return to court on Aug. 31.
"She kept her head low and you could see her eyes were tearing up," a source said of her wait at the stationhouse.
Once store employees learned who the suspect's father was, they told cops they didn't want to press charges.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/08/04/2010-08-04_caroline_giuliani_daughter_of_former_nyc_mayor_rudy_giuliani_busted_in_alleged_s.html#ixzz0vjfOZFBk
Now let this be just any Jane Doe off the street and her ass would have been behind bars with a full set of charges pressed against her. I say that the store should have charged her as they would have any OTHER person! I also think that we as citizens should demand that the store do so. Unless they are planning on going on the record to state that they will give everybody the same kind of treatment for the first offense in their stores.