Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Imperative Need for America to Become an Innovation Nation
by Arianna Huffington
Exerpt below;
"After Pearl Harbor, America's naval force was decimated. But, Kao points out, just three years later "America had a hundred aircraft carriers fully armed with new planes, pilots, tactics, and escort ships, backed by new approaches to logistics, training methods, aircraft plants, shipyards, and women workers" along with "such game changing innovations as the B-29... and nuclear fission."
Same with our reaction to the Soviet's launch of Sputnik, when "we responded with massive funding for education, revamped school curricula in science and math, and launched a flurry of federal initiatives that eventually put Neil Armstrong in position to make his 'giant leap for mankind.'"
So, even though we currently find ourselves "basking in our faded glory," Kao believes "America has the potential to become the first [Innovation Nation], a blend of enlightened self-interest and outward-reaching altruism."
But first we have to embrace that sense that great things are still possible and that our best days still lie ahead. That mindset is a prerequisite for innovation and getting things done. Without it, the seeds of innovation wither in a soil that is an arid mix of negativism and defeatism. With it, America can put a commitment to innovation front and center, the way countries as diverse as China, Australia, Finland, Singapore, Canada, and India are doing."
Read her article here
and then find out more about John Kao and his book at;
James Franco headed to Yale

Actor JAMES FRANCO is set to enrol in Yale University to obtain his doctorate, according to the esteemed institution's student newspaper.
The Spider-Man star has already studied film-making at New York University, and also took writing classes at Columbia University, where he earned a masters of fine arts diploma.
A rep has confirmed the star was accepted into prestigious Yale, in Connecticut, and will begin courses for his Ph.D. in September (10) if he accepts his place, reports the Yale Herald.
Must be nice to be a celebrity and be able to get into any school you want to. But wait, maybe he has the grades to make it in? Anybody know??
Alex Lambert Nabs Web Series

He had one of the best voices on this season’s American Idol, but Alex Lambert’s shyness led to his early departure. His fans were shocked — and so began a campaign including a petition with 20,000 signatures strong in support of his return.
This Thursday the Texas shy guy will get another shot at stardom when he moves in to the If I Can Dream house. Created by Idol’s Simon Fuller, If I Can Dream is a Web reality show documenting the story of six rising stars living together in the Hollywood Hills. The other residents include Miley Cyrus’s ex Justin Gaston, aspiring model Giglianne Braga, and actors Kara Killmer, Amanda Phillips, and Ben Elliott.
You can watch Lambert, 19, on If I Can Dream’s live streaming 24-7 along with five other up-and-comers as they tackle Hollywood. Weekly episodes will air on every Monday at midnight.
People’s Jessica Herndon caught up with Lambert to chat about Elvis, Lambert’s girlfriend, and (gasp!) cutting that mullet.
Are you really as shy as you came off on the show?
I don’t think I’m too shy. At home I’m not really shy, it’s just that this whole experience is so new to me. Once I get more confident I don’t think I’ll be shy at all.
What tips did you get from the judges about improving your confidence on stage?
Kara was telling me to just go out and get more experience. Go play some bar shows.
Are there any performers that you watch where you say, ‘Okay I really dig their stage presence?’
Elvis! I wish I had the stage presence Elvis had. He worked the crowd like a beast. But Elvis was true. He did all the leg shaking and sliding.
Can you dance?
No, I can’t dance. But I can swing dance. I was in swing dancing for like three years with my mom.
How will you decorate your room in the house?
I’m gonna [put] Bob Marley, Elvis and Beatles posters up and a picture of my grandfather. People up who inspire me.
Are you single?
No. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Raylee. She really understands me and believes in me. I’m kind broke so we never go out anywhere fancy, but usually I just jam out and she tells me what she likes and I usually write her a song every week and play it for her.
Do you keep in touch with Siohban?
We text every once in a while. She was one of my best friends on the show. Everyone else was spastic and crazy and always wanted to do something, and me and Siohban would sit and eat for like three hours.
So, you cut your hair?
I still have a mullet a little bit. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.
Lost: Daniel Dae Kim on Twists, Taking It Off and ‘The End’

After last week’s meaty mythological feast, Lost producers gave fans a bit more to chew on Tuesday, with an episode revolving around Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Sun (real-life newlywed Yunjin Kim). PEOPLE checked in with Dae Kim for his thoughts on what went down — and managed to pry a little series-finale scoop out of him in the process.
The Big Twists: The on-island Kwons — ripped apart at the end of season 4 — still didn’t get that much-deserved reunion. But with Locke Monster and Jack both promising to bring the marrieds back together — and only six episodes left until the series finale — Dae Kim urges fans to be patient just a little while longer. “Fans of Jin and Sun won’t be disappointed,” he promises.
Among the Sideways surprises: Jin and Sun aren’t married! But they’re definitely in a much healthier relationship than they were in the Flashbacks. This Jin likes when his woman undoes all the buttons on her sweater. This Sun is itching to run away with, instead of from, her love. And, considering she’s pregnant, it would seem that this couple isn’t struggling with the fertility issues that once plagued them in the other timeline. But, sadly, some things remain the same. Sun’s dad? Still a jerk. The $25,000 that jammed Jin up at airport customs was intended as payment to Keamy — yep, that guy again! — in exchange for offing Jin.
Dae Kim’s take on the Sideways version of events? “If you look at Jin from episode one to now, the Jin in the Sideways seems to be an interesting hybrid of the two,” he observes. “I think the fact that he and Sun aren’t married, but they’re genuinely in love, says a lot. That’s at the heart of their story.”
The actor wasn’t nearly as psyched to learn of all the shirtlessness the episode would require of him (though many fans might disagree): “I didn’t get very much notice about the shirtless scenes actually.” Without a lot of time to hit the gym, says one of PEOPLE’s 2005 Sexiest Men Alive, “I was like, ‘All right then, I guess what you see is what you get,’” he says.
The Sideways Crosses: It was Keamy who tied Jin up and locked him in the restaurant freezer, and Sayid who helped free him. And Mikhail, also known on the island as That Odd Guy with the Eyepatch, served as translator between Keamy and the Korean-speaking Kwons and, later, got shot in one eye during a struggle with Jin. Sun was wounded, too … perhaps baby-doc Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) will be making a Sideways appearance to save the day? Producers have previously confirmed Mitchell will pop up again before the series ends.
Back on the island: Sun ran away from Locke Monster — and right into a tree — which rendered her unconscious (and presumably of no use, at least for the time being, to the free will-lovin’ Smokey). When Sun woke, she could understand English but could only speak Korean. Miles found that one a bit hard to swallow, too.
A kidnapped Jin wound up in Room 23, exposed to the subliminal messages the Dharma Initiative was so fond of back in season 3. But Charles Widmore tried to make up for the whole taking-Jin-by-force thing by allowing him a first look at his daughter, via photos on Sun’s digital camera. And “the package” of this episode’s title? It’s a who: Desmond! The gone-too-long time traveler appears to have been brought to the island on his father-in-law’s sub. It would seem that ol’ Des is going to prove a very important figure in the war that Locke Monster informed Widmore was now officially on.
“The End”: Per the producers, that’s the title of the series finale. And per Dae Kim, it’s going to blow fans’ minds. “It’s pretty amazing,” says the actor, who read his copy of the top-secret script last Thursday. “If you think about how many pieces the writers had to put together in order to make it fall into place, it’s mind-boggling, and they did such a great job. Some of the twists and turns are just so clever.”
He continued: “For me it was very satisfying. After I read it, I had to sit for five or 10 minutes, just reflecting and digesting, because it definitely makes an impact.”
With filming on the finale now underway, the actor is finding himself overcome with a myriad of emotions. “I definitely feel like a very important chapter in my life is coming to a close,” says Dae Kim, who’s already been cast in a starring role in CBS’s Hawaii Five-O remake. “It’s hard not to feel the weight of that. I’m looking back with great fondness and pride, and I’m also excited to move forward and start writing the next chapter.”
Tell us: Are you excited for the finale? What did you think of the Kwon’s episode? Do you think there’s significance to the fact that Sun looked at her reflection in the Sideways mirror, while Jin did not?
Jesse James Heads off to Rehab for Sex Addiction? COME ON!

Ok, first it was Tiger now it's Jesse James. Do these men honestly think that they can step out and cheat all over on their wives and then claim "sex addiction"? It's just laughable at this point that these jerks are trying to hide behind such a thing. Why not call it what it is - you're a male whore! (ok so you weren't getting paid but heck maybe the sex was your payment) You'd call a woman who sleeps around with people freely a slut so why not call it what it is.
Sandra Bullock’s husband, Jesse James, has checked into a treatment facility to “deal with his personal issues,” his rep tells People. “He realized that this time was crucial to help himself, help his family, and help save his marriage,” the rep is quoted as saying. The type of treatment facility was not disclosed. TMZ says they spoke with a therapist at Sierra Tucson rehab who confirms that James is at that facility, which specializes in drug, alcohol, and sex addiction. A source tells People James checked into the facility on March 26 and that it was “100 percent his own idea.”
Adding to James’ woes this week, a much talked about photo of him making a Nazi salute while wearing an SS officer’s hat is now making the rounds in the media.
Bullock, who has been married to James for almost five years, has reportedly moved out of their home since the revelation that he has engaged in at least four extramarital affairs. James has publicly apologized for bringing “pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension” upon his wife and children, though in his apology, he also claimed that the “vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded.”
What's Ahead for Smallville?

Smallville’s ninth season finale will feature a cameo by one of TV’s most feared guest stars: The Grim Reaper. Sources confirm to me exclusively that producers of the everlasting superhero saga are planning to kill off a major castmember in the May 14 capper. And if the death of “Jimmy Olsen” last May taught us anything, it’s that no one — and I mean no one — is safe on Smallville. Okay, Clark is safe. But everyone else is fair game. A few characters are particularly vulnerable, which is my roundabout way of me saying the victim is listed after the jump!
I can confirm that one of these eight folks will be in grave danger come May 14:
* Lois: Okay, Clark and Lois are safe. But everyone else is fair game.
* Chloe: Allison Mack doesn’t have a contract for next season yet. Just putting that out there. Also, can you think of a more compelling hook to season 10 than Clark attempting to avenge the death of his BFF — a character who just so happens to live outside the jurisdiction of DC Comics’ mythos police?
* Lana: Rumor has it Kristin Kreuk was spotted on the Smallville set this week. Rumor also has it I fabricated the above rumor just to make trouble. Finally, there’s a rumor going around that one of the previous two rumors is 100 percent true. All joking aside, rumor has it KK is currently in Vancouver. Or is she? I’ve said too much!
* Perry: His return later this season is top-secret… so top-secret it makes one wonder.
* Martha: Her return later this season is top-secret… so top-secret it makes one wonder.
* Oliver: Green Arrow is a DC Comics property, but so was Jimmy Olsen. Death by loophole, perhaps?
* Tess: With Michael Rosenbaum attached to a new series, the odds of him returning as Lex have never been smaller. What does that mean for his placeholder? I imagine only bad things.
* Zod: He’s this season’s Big Bad. And by my calculations, this season is almost up.
So, who’s dying?! You can spend the next two months obsessing over in the comments section.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
America, A Third World Country Where Innovation Is Concerned?
Once upon a time, the United States was the world's dominant innovator -- partly because we didn't have much competition. As a result of the destruction wreaked by WWII, the massive migration of brainpower to the U.S. caused by the war, and huge amounts of government spending, America had the innovation playing field largely to itself. None of these factors exist as we enter the second decade of the 21st century.
America now has plenty of countries it's competing with -- many of which are much more serious about innovation than we are.
Read more about this topic on the Huffington Post.
Property Taxpayers Alert! - Westchester County
The State Senate passed legislation supported by Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins that allows school districts to increase school district spending and property taxes against the will of local voters.
If school district voters reject their school budget, state law will require school districts to reduce spending by .4% this year. Andrea Stewart-Cousins' legislation would allow school districts to increase spending by more than 3%--even if voters reject the school district's budget.
After the State Assembly said it wouldn't pass this legislation, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and the Senate Democrats included it in their State Budget plan and passed it on a Party line vote.
Could you imagine them doing this in Westchester with the legislative members are overriding votes regarding school budgets.
Ricky Martin: 'I am a fortunate homosexual man'
"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man," Martin, 38, said Monday on "I am very blessed to be who I am."
He said his twin sons, who turn 2 in August, inspired him to be true to himself.
"To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids were born with," Martin writes. "These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed."
Martin has said fatherhood changed his life for the better. "I'm so happy!" he told PEOPLE in December 2008 after his sons were born. "Everything they do, from smiling to crying, feels like a blessing. Being a father feels amazing. This has been the most spiritual moment in my life."
After Martin's announcement Monday, the Gay, Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation issued a statement in support of the singer.
"When someone like Ricky Martin comes out, hundreds of millions of people now have a cultural connection with an artist, a celebrity and, perhaps most importantly, a father who happens to be gay," said Jarrett Barrios, President of GLAAD. "His decision to model this kind of openness and honesty can lead to greater acceptance for countless gay people in U.S., in Latin America and worldwide."
Read Ricky's Full Message
A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to bring me closer to an amazing turning point in my life. From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time. Things that were too heavy for me to keep inside. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And thisis something worth celebrating.
For many years, there has been only one place where I am in touch with my emotions fearlessly and that's the stage. Being on stage fills my soul in many ways, almost completely. It's my vice. The music, the lights and the roar of the audience are elements that make me feel capable of anything. This rush of adrenaline is incredibly addictive. I don't ever want to stop feeling these emotions. But it is serenity that brings me to where I'm at right now. An amazing emotional place of comprehension, reflection and enlightenment. At this moment I'm feeling the same freedom I usually feel only on stage, without a doubt, I need to share.
Many people told me: "Ricky it's not important", "it's not worth it", "all the years you've worked and everything you've built will collapse", "many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature". Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions.
If someone asked me today, "Ricky, what are you afraid of?" I would answer "the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war...child slavery, terrorism...the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith." But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.
These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.
What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word "happiness" takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.
I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Need Mortgage Modification?
Census' Identity Questions Cause a Stir
Young job-seekers hiding their Facebook pages
And with good reason.
A recent survey commissioned by Microsoft found that 70 percent of recruiters and hiring managers in the United States have rejected an applicant based on information they found online.
To read the full article by Stephanie Goldberg go to;
Ford Sells Volvo to China's Geely for $1.8 Billion
Zhejiang Geely Holding Group signed a binding deal Sunday to buy Ford Motor Co.'s Volvo Cars unit for $1.8 billion, representing a coup for the Chinese automaker, which is aiming to expand in Europe.
The purchase gives Geely a European luxury car brand with a reputation for safety and quality at a time when China, which last year surpassed the United States as the world's largest car market, is eager to improve its competitiveness.
The price is far less than the $6.45 billion Ford paid for the Swedish automaker in 1999. The U.S. automaker has been trying to sell Volvo since late 2008 to focus its resources on managing its core Ford, Lincoln and Mercury brands.
Ford has committed to provide engineering support, information technology, access to tooling for common parts and certain other services for a transition period to smooth the separation.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Jessie James - Is this Tiger Woods Part 2?

Much like the Tiger Woods scandal a few months back, Jesse James' alleged cheating scandal is slowly (but surely) ballooning into a beast far more vast than anyone -- be it the media or wife Sandra Bullock -- initially thought. First, Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee came forward with her shocking claims of a sexual affair with James, and now a handful of others say they also bedded the 'Chopper' bad boy during his marriage to Bullock.
Jesse James' sex romps with stripper-dominatrix Michelle McGee weren’t the first time he cheated on America's sweetheart Sandra Bullock! Star can exclusively reveal he had a two-year relationship with Melissa Smith.
In the April 5 issue of Star — on sale today — the sexy blonde stripper spills the exclusive details of her affair with the Jesse — including unprotected sex, kinky requests and intercourse on his office couch.
Like Michelle, Melissa first made contact with Jesse online. But he reached out to her via MySpace in September 2006 (a year after he married Sandra) when he saw a photo of her on the Web site posing in front of a car at a West Coast Choppers party in Long Beach, Calif.
"I got a message from this guy saying,'Nice car...that’s my godfather’s.' After a few exchanges, he introduced himself as Jesse James and gave me his e-mail address with the name Vanilla Gorilla” — the nickname Jesse goes by and Michelle referred to as well.
Soon after Melissa traveled to California, where Jesse promised he'd take her for a ride in one of his cars, but they never made it out of his office!
After making small talk about the artwork on his walls and taking photos together, “I said, ‘Well, I guess I should get going,’ and he said, ‘You don’t have to,’ and moved his chair closer to me and started rubbing my leg. We ended up having sex on his couch," Melissa details.
Brigitte Daguerre -- a Los Angeles photographer -- claims Jesse hired her in 2008 to do styling work for a West Coast Choppers photo shoot. She says the two emailed and texted each other for a year, but claims they only had sex four times before she cut it off.
Daguerre has 195 text messages between her and Jesse (the cell phone numbers sync up) ... many of them extremely graphic. Among the milder, Jesse says, "I'll be your monkey."
Throughout the exchanges, Jesse repeatedly asks Daguerre to send pictures and set up rendezvous. In one exchange, Daguerre complained that Jesse wasn't letting loose. He explains, "I'm texting you in secret."
What the PUCK?

Puck from "The Real World: San Francisco" is hospitalized in San Diego following a terrifying car wreck that left the reality star and his 8-year-old son seriously injured ... this according to sources close to the family.
We're told Puck was driving down Route 79 on Friday to go on a father-son fishing trip, when he swerved to avoid a deer and lost control of his car.
The car rolled down an embankment and landed upside down in a creek. Sources tell us Puck -- real name David Rainey -- was trapped, but he managed to free his son, who flagged down some help.
The two were transported to nearby hospitals where doctors discovered Puck had broken bones in both feet, his right hand, his neck ... and fractured his sternum and clavicle.
We're told his son had bruised several internal organs in the wreck -- he also suffered major damage to his liver.
Puck's son has since been released from the hospital -- but Puck is expected to remain hospitalized for at least another week.
Read more:
Sandra Bullock - Jesse Cheating James!

In the wake of a scandal that has rocked her marriage, Sandra Bullock is quietly determining her next move, say friends.
Stunned by revelations that her husband Jesse James cheated with tattoo model Michelle McGee, Bullock "needs time to grieve and process what has happened," a close friend tells PEOPLE in its new cover story, on newsstands Friday.
The friend says Bullock, 45, learned of her husband's betrayal just eight days after her triumphant March 7 Oscar win.
"Her family was everything to her," adds the friend.
Desperate Housewives - May Sweeps Scoop?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Biden put's his foot in his mouth yet AGAIN!
But what’s getting much of the immediate media coverage? Well, Vice President Biden seems to have let slip the f-word in introducing the President, murmuring what sounds like, “This is a big f—ing deal!” regarding the bill.
As for any media stir Biden’s phrase kicks up, I say: C’mon, what’s the big f—ing deal? I think the Vice President referring to Virgil as “the classic poet” was a funnier moment, actually…
Grey's Less One -

One of TV’s longest-running dramas has finally (and officially) come to an end: Katherine Heigl confirms in this week’s exclusive Entertainment Weekly cover story — penned by yours truly! — that she is leaving Grey’s Anatomy.
“I am done,” declares Heigl. “We just finalized our agreement. Everyone had been working really hard to find an amicable and gracious way of letting go and moving on. It’s sad but it’s what I wanted.”
The 31-year-old actress reveals that it was family issues, not her burgeoning film career, that prompted her to approach series creator Shonda Rhimes and ask to be let out of her contract 18 months early. “I started a family and it changed everything for me,” says Heigl, who took a three-month family leave from Grey’s this season to bond with her newly-adopted daughter, Naleigh. “It changed my desire to work full-time.”
Although she was scheduled to appear in this season’s final five episodes, that is no longer happening. As a result, the Jan. 21 episode was her last as Izzie. “I know I’m disappointing the fans,” she says. “I just had to make a choice. I hope I made the right one.”
The wide-ranging and candid Q&A, during which Heigl comes clean about every aspect of her rocky six-year tenure — including the fights (Isaiahgate), the feuds (Emmygate), the controversies (Gizzie), and the mistakes she made along the way (17-hour daygate) — hits newsstands on Friday. Look for additional excerpts (as well as details on the afternoon I spent last week in, ahem, Heigl’s home) tomorrow morning right here.
In the meantime, share your thoughts on Heigl’s departure below.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Toyota Repair Document Revealed --- It's a smoking gun in the latest news on Toyota
Snuggie Meet the Booty Buddy Blanket

First there was the Snuggie, followed by the Slanket and now there's the Booty Buddy. It's a blanket AND an oversized, cozy poncho sure to keep you warm no matter what you're doing. Snuggle up in the Booty Buddy, with a super soft fleece lining and allover Southwestern-style print. Topped with an oversized hood, it's like the most comfortable hug ever. Imported. Machine wash cold.
* 66"l, 69"w
* Cotton, polyester fleece
Huge Changes Approved by The House Regarding Student Loans
The student aid initiative, which House Democrats attached to their final amendments to the health-care bill, would overhaul the student loan industry, eliminating a $60 billion program that supports private student loans with federal subsidies and replacing it with government lending to students. The House amendments will now go to the Senate.
By ending the subsidies and effectively eliminating the middleman, the student loan bill would generate $61 billion in savings over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
Most of those savings, $36 billion, would go to Pell grants, funding an era of steady and predictable increases in the massive but underfunded federal aid program for needy students. Smaller portions would go toward reducing the deficit and to various Democratic priorities, including community colleges, historically black colleges and universities, and caps on loan payments.
The bill's greatest impact would fall on the more than 6 million students who rely on Pell grants to finance their education. Pell, launched in 1973, once covered more than two-thirds of total costs at a public university. It now covers about one-third.
The student aid measure was initially framed as a boost to the Pell program. Now it is seen as its salvation. Democratic leaders say that without a massive infusion of cash, the maximum grant could be scaled back by more than half to $2,150 and at least 500,000 students could be dropped from the program.
To read the full Washington Post article by Daniel de Vise go to the link below:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Christian Slater set to Join a new Fox Comedy Pilot

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Slater will play the lead in an untilted Fox comedy pilot that revolves around the Titan Team, a group of super-smart twentysomethings who break into complex security systems.
Slater's character, a military vet, is a snarky, renegade womanizer with a "checkered past." The actor will pull double-duty as a producer on the series, which also stars newbie Trevor Moore as one of the Titan Team members, and was created by 'Aliens in America' and 'How to Train Your Dragon' writer Adam F. Goldberg.
Is it just me or does it look like Christian's been doing the botox thing as of late? I like his acting and think he's really great but after seeing him on Extreme Home Make Over this past weekend I was like "What's up with the face? LOVE that Joker!"
Immigration rally draws thousands to Washington
The issue I have with this is that illegal immigrants are in the country illegally and I wonder how many of them were at this rally. Let us take a look at the word "illegal" it implies activity that is wrong, illegal in nature, not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game), not according to or authorized by law, unlawful, illicit. Hence, a person who is in the country "illegally" tends to know that they have broken the law and are not authorized to be here. The problem in the US is that we've become dependent on this type of labor and hence have caused the problem to become even worse.
Desperate Housewives - “My Two Young Men”

Last week's episode set a lot of storylines in motion: Preston and Irina's upcoming wedding, Sam becoming a part of Bree's life, Katherine and Robin potentially becoming a couple, and Patrick eventually finding the Bolens. This week, these four storylines continued to be developed and questions were raised as we fast approach the final episodes of this season of 'Desperate Housewives.'
Before I comment on these four storylines and the fact that Preston still has the worst fake mustache in TV history, I must warn you that the next new episode will air on April 18. That means we will have to wait close to a month before getting new dish on our favorite Wisteria Lane residents!
Preston and Irina's upcoming wedding
Lynette and Tom really have underestimated Irina's skills, will and power, eh? Preston is so blinded by love that he doesn't see how manipulative Irina is. She convinced him to ditch college in order to pay for a three-bedroom apartment and to move the wedding up so she would become Mrs. Scavo sooner rather than later, so Lynette could be taken out of the equation.
With such skills and beauty, I wonder why Irina is sticking with Preston instead of trying to find an old rich man to marry her and spoil her with his money. Could it be that really deep down, Irina does have some feelings for Preston? Or maybe she just wants to become a US citizen and decided to have some fun in the meantime? What's your take on Irina? Do you think she loves Preston?
As I've said last week, Irina's presence is offering us some pretty fun scenes. This week, it was the one where Lynette and Tom go down memory lane and remember what it was like in their first apartment!
Sam becoming a part of Bree's life
I admit it, I was blinded by the fact Rex somewhat came back in the picture -- I loved Rex! -- and didn't see the twisted turn of events coming: Sam may not be a Van De Kamp after all! Per Mary Alice's hints and because of the evil smile Sam had while eavesdropping on Bree and Orson's conversation, it does look like the photo is a fake and that Sam is not Rex's son after all.
Who is Sam? This twist means that some of the fan theories from when Sam was first introduced could turn out to be true. For example, Sam could be George's son after all. Sam could have decided to pretend he was Rex's son in order to get close to Bree, have her put her guard down, and hurt her when she least expects it -- to seek revenge for George's death.
I can't wait to see what Andrew will dig up and how he and Orson will use the intel to get Sam out of Bree's life. One great line from this storyline: "If you don't mind, I'll hug you later." - Andrew to Sam
Katherine and Robin potentially becoming a couple
It does look like the writers are paving the way for Katherine and Robin to leave the show. It wasn't surprising to see how much Katherine took to heart what other people thought about her, especially since she is all about appearances just as Bree is. What was surprising, at least to me, was to see Katherine tell Robin that she was wiling to follow her elsewhere and see where their relationship went. Talk about taking a leap of faith! Katherine may not be ready to have her friends and neighbors dish and gossip on her newfound relationship, but she is willing to give it a try. Good for her. She deserves some happiness after all the drama, no?
Katherine may have packed Robin's suitcases, but it's unlikely that the ladies will go to Paris or elsewhere before the season is over. However, since both Dana Delany and Julie Benz are starring in pilots, both could end up leaving Wisteria Lane if their series are picked up.
Patrick eventually finding the Bolens
Angie came clean about telling Rose that Patrick is Danny's son to Nick when she came back from her trip to New York. Even if Nick isn't Danny's biological father, he is the only father Danny ever knew, and he was there every step of the way. We even learned this week that Nick was in the delivery room and was the first person to hold Danny.
Sadly for Nick, Patrick knows exactly where they live now, and he's willing to kill in order to get back what Angie "stole" from him. If Patrick was wiling to kill Iris, Rose's neighbor, in order to keep secret the fact he was going after Angie, imagine what he'll be willing to do to people who'll stand in his way when trying to get Danny!!! Angie and Nick are in danger but so could other Wisteria Lane residents who may decide to step in Patrick's way. I wonder what Patrick would do if Danny told him to go away and leave him alone with Nick and Angie?
Here few quotes that stood out from this episode:
- “What do we really know about him? He seems to be too good to be true, huh?”
-”She took something from me. I’m going to take it back.”
-”self-serving piece of eurotrash who would sell her own mother for a pair of designer jeans!”
-”Just because i enjoy having sex with you doesn’t mean I am a lesbian!”
-”You’re giving out my dad’s stuff to a total stranger and I’m being unreasonable?’Yeah, I know he’s the perfect son,problem is, he’s not yours.”
What did you think of this week's episode? Where do you think these storylines are going? Did you enjoy the other storyline of the episode which had Susan and Gaby selling candy bars in the hopes their kids would win?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Anti-Obama Bill Billboards Keep Sprouting Up

About a month after a billboard of former President George W. Bush with the question "Miss Me Yet?" was spotted beside a Minnesota highway, a similarly mysterious billboard has appeared in the state.
This one features Ronald Reagan, and, unlike the original billboard, the message is unmistakably conservative: "Remember Real Hope and Change?" the sign asks, openly mocking President Barack Obama's campaign slogan.

Have a complaint - say you went to a restaurant and the food was the worst you've ever tasted? Or perhaps you went to what was suppose to be a nice club with your friends but the manager & bouncers were not only jerks but real rude and too aggressive? Well now there is a site where you can complain about bad service. Check out
The Tiger is back!

Tiger Woods is returning to golf, officially, and he will play his first tournament since taking a leave from work at the Masters in Augusta, Ga. (April 8-11), according to a statement Woods made to the press on Tuesday.
"The Masters is where I won my first major and I view this tournament with great respect. After a long and necessary time away from the game, I feel like I'm ready to start my season at Augusta," Woods said in a statement.
"The major championships have always been a special focus in my career and, as a professional, I think Augusta is where I need to be, even though it's been a while since I last played.
I have undergone almost two months of inpatient therapy and I am continuing my treatment. Although I'm returning to competition, I still have a lot of work to do in my personal life."
King of Pop Back on Top

The record-breaking contract through 2017 could be worth up to $250 million if certain conditions are met. One of the albums will be of never-before-released Jackson recordings that will come out in November.
The estate of Michael Jackson has landed the late King of Pop the biggest recording deal in history: a $200 million guaranteed contract with Sony Music Entertainment for 10 projects over seven years, according to a person familiar with the deal.
The record-breaking contract through 2017 could be worth up to $250 million if certain conditions are met. One of the albums will be of never-before-released Jackson recordings that will come out in November, the person said.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the official announcement is expected Tuesday.
Future projects may also include a video game, a DVD compilation of videos and a re-release of "Off the Wall," Jackson's fifth studio album, which first came out in 1979, accompanied by some unreleased material. Before his sudden death in June at age 50, the pop star had wanted to re-issue the album, people familiar with the deal said.
One of the projects already counted in the contract was the two-disc album that accompanied "This Is It," the film based on footage of concert rehearsals for what was to have been Jackson's comeback at London's O2 arena.
Including the more than 5 million copies of that special release, Jackson has sold some 31 million albums since his death in June, about two-thirds of them outside the United States.
"During his life, Michael's contracts set the standard for the industry," said John Branca, the co-administrator of the Jackson estate, in a statement prepared for release Tuesday. "By all objective criteria, this agreement with Sony Music demonstrates the lasting power of Michael's music by exceeding all previous industry benchmarks."
Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony Music's Columbia Epic Label Group, said in prepared remarks, "We're dedicated to protecting this icon's legacy and we're thrilled that we can continue to bring his music to the world for the foreseeable future."
The landmark deal is worth more than all other benchmarks, such as the all-encompassing rights deals that concert promoter and ticket-seller Live Nation Entertainment Inc. had previously signed with Madonna at $120 million and Jay-Z for $150 million.
The deal with Jackson's estate is even more remarkable because it does not include royalties from merchandise.
The contract shows the value of legacy artists. It also comes at a time of decline for the music industry, with sales down about half from their peak in 2000 mainly due to free file-swapping.
The money will go a long way to settling Jackson's debts, estimated at around $400 million at the time of his death.
The singer whose life was plagued with scandal has had a resurgence in popularity in death.
Distribution rights for "This Is It" were sold to Sony Pictures, another unit of Sony Corp., for $60 million and the movie went on to gross $252 million worldwide, the most of any concert film ever.
Revenue from that, song sales and merchandising agreements brought into the estate revenues of about $100 million, lawyers for the estate's administrators told a Los Angeles Superior Court judge in December, when they sought a percentage as an administration fee.
The Walt Disney Co. even brought back the 17-minute Jackson movie "Captain EO" to its Disneyland theme park in Anaheim last month. The original began running at the park in 1986 but was pulled in 1997.
Jackson's most lasting and valuable asset is the 50 percent stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing, a company that owns publishing rights to music by The Beatles and numerous other artists, including Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. The copyright catalog itself is estimated to be worth $2 billion.
The new financial windfall comes even as circumstances around his death remain in legal limbo.
Dr. Conrad Murray faces an involuntary manslaughter charge for allegedly giving Jackson a lethal combination of sedatives. He is due back in a Los Angeles court April 5.
Monday, March 15, 2010
South Park Takes on Tiger Woods; Golf Clubs in Hand

Golf clubs in hands or not, the kids of "South Park" are ready to take on Tiger Woods.
Creators of the Comedy Central cartoon have long since proven that no subject is sacred to them. So for the opening of its 14th season on Wednesday, the troubled golfer encounters Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman in their animated Colorado town.
"It's such an important issue in America right now – the sex addiction outbreak," Matt Stone, who makes the series with partner Trey Parker, said on Friday. "We're all really concerned about him and hope he gets better."
Sex addiction, the intersection of powerful men and willing women, late-night phone calls to the police and bad public relations gave them so much fodder they could have made an entire Tiger-centric season, Stone said.
Since the Peabody Award-winning show's first episode in 1997, Parker and Stone haven't worried about lines between good taste and bad if they can get a laugh. They mocked the Church of Scientology to the point of annoying Tom Cruise, and depicted Jesus Christ defecating on President Bush and the American flag.
"There's a delicacy in talking about (Woods) that we don't have to worry about," Stone said.
He wouldn't give many details about the episode, in part because he and Parker were still writing it on Friday. Stone said he was fascinated and disgusted by Woods' public apology, so it's likely that will be worked in.
"South Park" is airing its 200th episode next month.
"We can't even believe we're still here doing this," he said.
Obama to push 'No Child Left Behind' overhaul
Desperate Housewives - Out & About in NYC

Every year, "Desperate Housewives" has a yearlong mystery, usually involving a new family and tying in to longtime Wisteria Lane residents. This year's plot started off promisingly enough, with the casting of Drea de Matteo as Angie Bolen the matriarch of the new family.
De Matteo, who once smoked up Sunday-night TV screens as Adrianna on "The Sopranos," is giving it all she's got, although sometimes she still seems to be playing Ade. But she can only do so much when her plot just doesn't seem to have that much going for it.
On Sunday's episode, de Matteo's character finally started to spill some of her secrets, telling Gaby what smart viewers had already guessed: Angie had been a teen eco-activist who got in with the evil Patrick Logan, Danny's real father, and one of their protests somehow took a life.
In the final scene, Angie's mother's neighbor was seen calling Logan, telling him that for a promised $1000, she'd spill the beans on where Angie lived. Previews later confirmed that Logan is apparently on the first plane to Fairview to get revenge on Angie.
This is ABC's big reveal? This is where the major plot of their hit show is going? Violent eco-activism? This sounds like a plot summary dreamed up by The Onion wanting to spoof the ultimate suburban show. What next, killer yoga moves? Poisoned lattes? Tampered-with Priuses — oh, wait.
Sure, Patrick Logan will turn out to be creepy and brutal, and fans will eventually get the details on who died, and how. But it's hard to imagine how that plot can really hold viewers' interest when it's taken this long to develop even this far.
Yes, Julie's attempted murder has yet to be solved, and there are hints that will tie in to the Bolens. But it apparently wasn't Logan who strangled her, since he doesn't seem to know yet where the Bolen family has moved.
The problem with this year's mystery is that so far, it hasn't really involved the other families. The best mystery on "Housewives" remains the first, where Mary Alice Young's suicide turned out to have ties to her illegal adoption of her son, and the murder of his drug-addict mother. That story had reverberations within practically every Wisteria Lane home, and echoed for several seasons afterwards.
Angie Bolen, as played by de Matteo, is a gritty, tough-talking "Housewife" who offers a nice contrast to uber-preppy Bree and control freak Lynette. She's actually a bit like tough-at-the-core Gaby in that she can throw off a quip or a wisecrack in one scene, then pull out her own pair of brass knuckles and take someone down in the next. But she's pretty much spinning her wheels with this slow-to-develop story. Maybe if Patrick Logan turns out to be de Matteo's fellow "Sopranos" vet, Michael "Chris-to-FUH Moltisanti" Imperioli, the show can swing on a dime and recreate the magic of past years, but don't count on it because "Logan" is being played by Torchwood's - John Barrowman.
Thankfully, in Sunday's episode, some of the other plots made up for the dreary mystery. Bree discovered to her horror that ingratiating Sam was really Rex's son. Lynette's creepy control of her children appears to have paid off for once, as she recognized Preston's Russian fiance as a golddigger and managed to successfully hide her grandmother's ring from the grasping beauty. And Gaby rubbed shoulders with old runway pals Heidi Klum and Paulina Porizkova, who turned out to hate her. The former model realized that she had destroyed her own fashion career, and urged Carlos' niece Ana not to make the same mistakes she had.
At least this week, the lameness of the Bolen mystery didn't matter all that much.
'Mission Impossible' and 'Airplane!' actor Peter Graves dies at 83

Image Credit: Everett Collection
Actor Peter Graves, the square-jawed star of the 1967-73 TV spy series Mission Impossible and the original host of cable’s Biography series, died of a heart attack Sunday at his home in Pacific Palisades, Calif., according to the New York Times. He was 83.
He appeared in golden-age Hollywood classics like 1953’s Stalag 17 and 1955’s Night of the Hunter as well as a host of genre movies through the years, lending an air of seriousness to even the most trivial roles. In later years, that dedication made him a perfect choice for satire, including his famed turn as a seemingly straitlaced pilot in 1980’s Airplane! (“Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”)
Born Peter Aurness in Minneapolis, he served in the U.S. Air Force in 1944-45, studied drama at the University of Minnesota, and then followed his older brother, Gunsmoke star James Arness, to Hollywood. (He took the surname of his maternal grandfather to avoid confusion with his brother.) Like his brother, Graves found some of his most recognizable roles on TV: In Mission Impossible, he played Jim Phelps, the cool-as-a-cucumber leader of a super-secret spy organization that conducted elaborate undercover operations, earning a Golden Globe in 1971 and an Emmy nomination in 1969. Beginning in 1987, he served as the original host of A&E’s Biography series (for which he won his only Emmy, in 1997, for Judy Garland: Beyond the Rainbow).
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Lawmakers demand MTA audit, halt of tax
Leaders from the northern areas of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority region stepped up the call Friday for Albany to remove the tax on employers that supports the MTA, and also demanded a "forensic audit" of the transit giant's spending.
"This region is hemorrhaging jobs," said Assemblyman Greg Ball, R-Patterson, faulting the payroll tax for making things worse. "More and more businesses are going out of business."
Ball said the audit would look for "criminal" accounting in what he called "the MTA's crooked books."
The officials, many from Dutchess, Westchester, Putnam and Orange counties, issued their call on the steps of the Michaelian Office Building, the seat of Westchester County government.
MTA spokesman Aaron Donovan declined to comment on the call to end the payroll tax, or on Ball's comments about "cooked books." But he released a statement saying the agency had no objection to an audit.
"The rescue legislation passed last spring (by the state Legislature) authorizes a forensic audit, and we welcome it," the statement said. "In the meantime, the MTA is focused on overhauling how we do business to ensure that every dollar counts by cutting administrative costs, consolidating functions and renegotiating contracts."
Assemblyman Marc Molinaro, R-Red Hook, said, "Reports of egregious abuse of tax dollars by a senior MTA official should serve as a wake-up call for the state and the public. Despite annually relying on taxpayers for billions of dollars, the MTA has been accountable to no one. When it was revealed that over ten percent of the MTA work force earned triple-figured salaries; when the Legislature looked to a job-killing MTA payroll tax that drove businesses from the Hudson Valley; and when the MTA continually demanded that taxpayers bail it out when revenue projections fell short; my answer was: not until you open your books."
MTA Chief Executive Jay Walder has said the payroll tax enacted last year is essential to the agency. The MTA is facing an $800 million deficit that it is handling by cutting services and eliminating more than 1,000 jobs, including hundreds of layoffs.
At the end of the press conference, the officials signed an oversized copy of a letter to state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to conduct the audit.
Assemblyman Robert Castelli, R-Goldens Bridge, said he wanted to give Walder the benefit of the doubt for his call to overhaul the nation's largest transit agency, but also said the comptroller's work in looking at the funding was necessary.
"I don't think that (Walder) can do it alone," he said. "This cannot be done in a vacuum."
The tax of 34 cents per $100 of payroll is paid by businesses, local governments, hospitals and nonprofits in the 12-county MTA region.
It brought in about $790 million last year and is projected to bring in $1.7 billion this year.
Officials noted Friday that representatives on the Metro-North governing board from Putnam, Rockland, Orange and Dutchess counties get a quarter vote each, while the other counties, including each borough of New York City, get a full vote each.
Late Night Jimmy Fallon:Lazy Sunday Live (3/8/10)
DHWS Update: Drea de Matteo to make 'explosive' exit in May

A valuable piece of real estate is about to open up along America’s most popular cul-de-sac — and I’m not referring to Dana Delany’s possible departure: Drea de Matteo is leaving Desperate Housewives in May.
Series creator Marc Cherry, however, insists tabloid talk that the Emmy-winning Sopranos vet was fired because she wasn’t clicking with the cast is not true. “When I heard that stuff, I was stunned,” confesses Cherry. “We adore her. She is the sweetest gal in the world.”
The reality is, de Matteo’s stint on Housewives was never intended to go beyond this season, according to Cherry. “Part of the deal when we hired Drea was she was only interested in doing one season,” he explains. “She has a baby and is eager to get back to her life in New York.”
It’s fair to say de Matteo won’t be terribly missed by Housewives fans, many of whom never warmed to her icy character, fugitive matriarch Angie Bolen. But Cherry believes that has less to do with the actress and more to do with the nature of her story line. “We shielded parts of her character because of the mystery,” he says. “As we build toward the end and we start undoing the many layers of [Angie], everyone will get how brilliant she is.”
Cherry declined to reveal how Angie will exit Wisteria Lane (body bag? plane ticket?). Instead, he teases that the arrival in April of Torchwood’s John Barrowman as the man she has been on the run from will build to “an explosive finale,” during which “all the mysterious parts of her past will be revealed.”
Thoughts? Will you miss Angie? Sound off below!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
California's College Dreamers - When will students figure out the politicians have sold them out?
Hundreds of University of California students rallied against a 32% tuition hike last week. Let's hope their future employers get a better work product. With just a little research, the students could have discovered that compensation packages won from the state by unions were a big reason for the hike.
Last year, the state cut funding to the 10-campus system to $2.6 billion from $3.25 billion. To make up for the reduction in state funding, the UC Board of Regents increased tuition to $10,300, about triple 1999's cost.
Understandably, students have gone wild. The UC system is supposed to offer low- and middle-income students a cheaper alternative to a private college education. Now a year at a UC school can cost students as much as at many private schools.
Students block Sather Gate on the University of California at Berkeley campus Thursday, March 4, 2010.
Who's to blame? UC President Mark Yudof rightly notes he had no other means of closing the university's budget gap. The university used $300 million in reserves last year and cut staff salaries by furloughing them between 11 and 26 days this year. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says "we've done everything we could, but the bottom line is it's not enough. We need to put pressure on the legislature not only this year in a year of crisis, but in the future."
The California legislature? Good luck with that. In 1999, the Democratic legislature ran a reckless gamble that makes Wall Street's bankers look cautious. At the top of a bull market, they assumed their investment returns would grow at a 8.25% rate in perpetuity—equivalent to assuming that the Dow would reach 25,000 by 2009—and enacted a huge pension boon for public-safety and industrial unions.
The bill refigured the compensation formula for pension benefits of all public-safety employees who retired on or after January 1, 2000. It let firefighters retire at age 50 and receive 3% of their final year's compensation times the number of years they worked. If a firefighter started working at the age of 20, he could retire at 50 and earn 90% of his final salary, in perpetuity. One San Ramon Valley fire chief's yearly pension amounted to $284,000—more than his $221,000 annual salary.
In 2002, the state legislature further extended benefits to many nonsafety classifications, such as milk and billboard inspectors. More than 15,000 public employees have retired with annual pensions greater than $100,000. Who needs college when you can get a state job and make out like that?
In the last decade, government worker pension costs (not including health care) have risen to $3 billion from $150 million, a 2,000% jump, while state revenues have increased by 24%. Because the stock market didn't grow the way the legislature predicted in 1999, the only way to cover the skyrocketing costs of these defined-benefit pension plans has been to cut other programs (and increase taxes).
This year alone $3 billion was diverted from other programs to fund pensions, including more than $800 million from the UC system. It is becoming clear that in the most strapped liberal states there's a pecking order: Unions get the lifeboats, and everyone else gets thrown over the side. Sorry, kids.
Get ready for more. The governor's office projects that over the next decade the annual taxpayer contributions to retiree pensions and health care will grow to $15 billion from $5.5 billion, and that's assuming the stock market doubles every 10 years. With unfunded pension and health-care liabilities totaling more than $122 billion, California will continue chopping at higher-ed.
Mr. Schwarzenegger has routinely called for pension reform, but the Democratic legislature has tossed aside the Terminator like a paper doll. Last year, he proposed rescinding the lucrative pension pay-off for new employees, which he estimated would reduce pension pay-outs by $74 billion and health-care benefits by $19 billion through 2040. More recently, he called for doubling state worker contributions to their pensions to 10% from the current 5% of their pay. But these propositions have little traction in the legislature.
California has a governor's race on, and the candidates are semi-mum on this catastrophe. Democratic candidate Jerry Brown has supported modifying public employee benefits but hasn't offered specific proposals and opposes defined contribution plans. Republican Meg Whitman supports increasing the retirement age to 65 from 55 and asking employees to contribute more to their benefits, but she won't support a reform ballot measure for fear it would drive up union turn-out in November.
Memo to marching students: The governor can't save you. You guys need a new legislature. This one is selling you out. Organize an opposition and vote them out in November. Plan B is quit school and become a state billboard inspector.