Jimmy Kimmel was a video guest on 'The Jay Leno Show' on Thursday night, and was supposed to simply be a guest for Jay's normal 'Ten at Ten' segment, wherein he asks someone ten questions. With nearly every answer, however, Kimmel managed to find a way to twist his answer into some form of a Leno insult. While Jay took it in good stride, the answers were so anti-Leno we are really wondering if it was pre-planned or an act of pure disdain for Leno.
The laser-focus of Kimmel's aggression towards Jay is a sign of the overhwelming support fellow entertainers and fans are showing towards Conan O'Brien, who they feel was slighted by Leno. During the Leno-Kimmel exchange, the questioning went mostly like this:
Jay to Jimmy: "You're known for pranks ... what's the best prank you've ever pulled?"
Jimmy's Response: "I think the best prank I ever pulled was... ... I told a guy that five years from now, I'm going to give you my show. And then when the five years came, I gave it to him and then I took it back almost instantly. It was hilarious."
Jay to Jimmy: "Ever ordered anything off the TV?"
Jimmy's Response: "Like NBC ordered your show off the TV?"
Jay to Jimmy: "What's the most number of lapdances you've had in one night?"
Jimmy's Response: "Jay, my mother's watching the show. No wait, the show's canceled so nobody's watching. ... Strippers, I don't like in general because you have this phony relationship with them for money, similar to that of when you and Conan were on the 'Tonight Show' together passing the torch?"
Jay to Jimmy: "Is there anything you haven't hosted that you want to host?"
Jimmy's Response: "Oh, this is a trick right? Where you get me to host the 'Tonight Show' and then take it back? You've got $800 million. For God's sake, leave our shows alone."