Think about it: Earlier this week, it was reported that Adam had logged studio time with Lady Gaga producer RedOne, so despite his rocker tendencies, theIdol runner-up is clearly not afraid of getting his dance on. And now, if you will, let your mind travel back to Madonna's seminal 1998Ray of Light CD -- yes we are all that old -- an electronica extravaganza that still managed to keep a foot in guitar-rock genre. Suddenly, I'm thinking Adam and Madge could team up for a cover of "Candy Perfume Girl" or "Drowned World/Substitute for Love," or best of all "Swim" (embedded after the jump for the uninitiated).
Not only would the hookup make sense musically, but it would also be a smart career move. For Adam, a Madonna duet would give him instant credibility outside the Idol universe -- something he'll need to break through the anti-Idol prejudice held by many a radio-station programmer. For Madonna, being the first superstar artist to hit the studio with Adam would attach her to a young, exciting artist without the appearance that she's suddenly become a follower instead of a leader (a problem that gave "Me Against the Music" and "4 Minutes to Save the World" a slight whiff of desperation). Plus, girlfriend could use some fresh gay-cred points, no?
What do you think? Would an Adam-Madonna collaboration be a match made in musical heaven, or an aural abomination? And which artist would benefit more from a duet?