Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New iPhone Vibrator App Provides Quick Relief

What will they think of next?  Since the early days of advertising, companies have been marketing massage devices to women under the intention of curing or relieving 'feminine illness'.  Like a modernized throwback to those bygone advertisements, a new Apple App seeks to cure the female tremors by turning your iPhone/iPod Touch into a "vibrating personal massager," giving you four levels of buzzing bliss for only a dollar.

The product description proclaims, "if you're stressed, or just need a quick pick-me-up, let myMassage provide you with quick relief." As if the whole thing weren't already full-to-bursting with innuendo, the creators even tout the application's code as being "leak-free," so users who need extended relief can rejuvenate for as long as they want, without fear of crashing the program. Which leads us to wonder -- how long does the iPod's battery typically last when using this app?  This product gets my "Hot-Mess" of the day award as do many of those made-for-TV advertisements that plug themselves as the next best thing.  Thoughts anyone?


  1. OMG! What is the world coming to? Ok, how much did they say that costs again? LOL

  2. I got that VIBEOLOGY, the VIBE OLOGY .... feelings you send me... LOL I can see Paula Abdul singing that old 80's song right now for the iPod television ad. LOL
