Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama's Doctor Opposes Health Care Plan

President Barack Obama often talks about all of the forces lining up against his health care plan. But there's one critic who has remained relatively mum in the debate. David Scheiner, a Chicago-based doctor, has taken a hard look at the president's prescription for health care reform and sees bad medicine.

"This isn't that kind of health care program that I think is going to work," he said.

So what makes Scheiner so special? He was Obama's personal physician for 22 years, and voted for the then Illinois senator in the 2008 presidential election.

Scheiner thinks the president's plan doesn't go far enough.

"If I had to say the single one thing which is the worst part of it, is that private insurers continue to be a part of the health scheme," he said. "Everybody keeps saying we don't want the government getting involved in health care. [But] the government is involved in Medicare, and it works."

Scheiner would rather see the nation adopt a single-payer system like the ones in Canada and Europe. The financing system relies on one "payer" -- which could be a government-run agency -- to fund all health care costs billed by doctors, hospitals and other health professionals.

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