Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Biden put's his foot in his mouth yet AGAIN!

It was fascinating to watch and listen to President Obama’s speech as he signed the health care bill this morning. Giddy relief was in (and on) the air, as when the President said that it was “a testament to the historic leadership and uncommon courage of the men and women of the United States Congress, who have taken their lumps during this difficult debate,” and an unknown voice yelled out, “Yes, we did!” Rueful laughter erupted.

But what’s getting much of the immediate media coverage? Well, Vice President Biden seems to have let slip the f-word in introducing the President, murmuring what sounds like, “This is a big f—ing deal!” regarding the bill.

As for any media stir Biden’s phrase kicks up, I say: C’mon, what’s the big f—ing deal? I think the Vice President referring to Virgil as “the classic poet” was a funnier moment, actually…

1 comment:

  1. It couldn't have been scripted better! It was a (BFD) serious moment, punctuated with laughter! NO.1 - big insurance will immediately have to stop dropping people when they become too sick to work and lose their insurance benefits!
