Saturday, October 15, 2011

NYCC: Dark Shadows Panel - Ann Falsarella's Quick Review of Saturday's Panel

The panel for Dark Shadows was packed with both fans of the Dark Shadows soap opera and the new movie debuting on May 11th 2012.  The newer rendition will be starring Johnny Depp, Helen Bonhem Carter and Michelle Phiffer and directed by Tim Burton (who is also a huge fan of the series).  The panel consisted of the original characters from the series Kathryn Lee Scott who played Maggie Evans and from the Skype webcam, Laura Parker who played Angelique Bouchard. The panel was mostly about the new movie coming out and their experiences on set.

Both women agreed it was an experience that they never expected. Some of the original characters were on set of the new movie including the original Barnabas Collins played by Jonathan Frid (now played by Johnny Depp).   Ms. Scott described both men holding the same cane from the series and Mr. Frid making a comment to Depp about his new hair style.  Ms. Scott explained that she never expected the set to be as big as they are in because when they shot the series back in the 70’s the set was about the size of the area we were sitting in (it was big but not for a big production like they did).

After the series, both women wrote books about Dark Shadows.  Ms. Parker wrote Angelique’s Decent, which is a sequel to the Dark Shadows: The Salem Branch (which also will be re-released with a different book cover print) and Ms. Lee Scott wrote about Dark Shadows. One most recently, Dark Passages, in which she was signing later on that day.

Personally speaking, I initially got into the whole 'Dark Shadows' phenomenon because I’m a huge Tim Burton fan.  From what I saw on the panel along with the rich history and information  I got from other Dark Shadows fans in the audience,  I’m going out to get the Dark Shadows series and hopefully be a fan of both the series and the movie!

Laura Parker from Skype cam at NY Comic Con. 

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