Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Britians Got Talent's Susan Boyle Gets Morning Makeover

A newly glammed up Susan Boyle visited the 'Today' show for the first time since her amazing run on 'Britain's Got Talent,' telling Meredith Vieira she's "having a wonderful time" being so famous.
"You look gorgeous," Vieira told Boyle, who is sporting a new 'do, a purple dress, subtle makeup and trimmed eyebrows. Boyle thanked her, remarking "I brush up quite well."
Boyle said the impact on her life after reaching fame so quickly was "a lot like a giant demolition ball."
"Anyone who has that kind of impact finds it really hard to get a head around it. I've got to be honest here. I guess I had to get my head around it, but through the guidance of a great team -- and they are very good -- I was able to see that in perspective and really turn that around a little."
Boyle, who came in second in the competition, was at a loss for words on how to describe her success.
"It's just been unbelievable; it’s indescribable," she said. "Being plucked from obscurity is a bit like going on a long journey, really; you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know how it’s going to end."
"Are you having a good time?" Vieira asked.
"I'm having a wonderful time," Boyle said. "I don't want it to end. It’s just incredible. It's indescribable, really."

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