Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Perez Hilton, KTLA Anchor in Spat Over Walk Out

Perez Hilton was scheduled to appear on KTLA's morning show, but the gossip blogger left the studio before he could even appear.

Hilton tweeted that he wanted "an apology and an on-air correction/retraction!" after KTLA reported he had forgone his interview.

Perez said we lied about what happened here, and he demanded a retraction...Well demand this you talentless dope, here is what really happened," KTLA anchor Sam Rubin said.

"So Perez, you can take this as my deposition. We booked Perez at his request to promote his new book and appear on our show at 9:20 AM. Somehow the Perez Hilton staff -- not our staff, who he yelled at by the way -- but his staff got him here in car he commissioned around 8:00 AM. And when Perez found out he was on at 9:20, he said he simply could not wait. Now, the available slots in our show yesterday were taken. We had somebody you might have heard of, Snoop Doog at 8:45," Rubin explained.

"We had a children's choir on right at 9 o'clock. Perez said rather than wait his rightful turn, the other guests you know they were here when they were supposed to be here, he needed to work on his blog. We offered Perez the use of our entire KTLA newsroom, even my luxury office, so he could work here. Perez was adamant that that would not due. Perez said he wanted to leave and would be happy to visit us via Skype. You know what, maybe I could Skype in from my home every day, too," he continued.

You asked to be here, we promoted here as being here, do what you agreed to do and be here," the anchor admonished.

"We did not misrepresent what happened with Perez yesterday and he knows it. And guess what, KTLA morning news and yours truly have been here long before Perez Hilton upchucked his way onto the scene and we will be here long after he slithers away," he said.

Rubin told the audience that Perez's publicist asked for the gossiper to be booked again. His response? "Absolutely, when hell freezes over."

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